Weight Loss Clinic To The Rescue

By Gloria Gardner

Weight loss clinic Mesa nutritionists are really helpful when it comes to dieting. They will give every client with the right programs that are suitable with their problems. Everyone knows that shedding pounds are really hard that is why it is advised to be patient to enjoy the results.

Being slim is all what it takes to land your dream job or to have that confidence that anyone would ever wish for and starving to death is not the solution. There are many procedures introduced by different health gurus around the globe and they produce great results.

Burning fat feed the muscle, dietwatch and the South Beach diet are some of the most popular and effective diet plans as of today. The burning fat, feed the muscle plan is more popular with men because not only they shed fat, they can also have muscles and ABS. This program focuses on the core principles like proper training, Cardio and nutrition.

It can be purchased and downloaded as an e book and it consist of mostly everything like nutrition, proper training, eating plans and exercise that a person need to lose pounds. But then again, this program is not for everybody if they are not well motivated enough to continue.

In 1991, Jennifer May introduced Dietwatch. This is basically a meal plan and anyone can choose from four different plans. The options are reduced carb which is a balanced plan, Mediterranean, vegetarian which is a lacto ovo diet that includes dairy products and no restrictions.

Dr Arthur Agaston tried the South Beach diet plan first with his overweight heart patients in Florida and decided to introduce it to the world. There are three stages and the first stage, the person can eat fish, chicken, meat, eggs, vegetables and shellfish but needs to avoid carbohydrate foods like bread, pasta and rice. Before trying anything, consult with weight loss clinic Mesa doctors first for more accurate results.

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Weight Loss After Pregnancy - How Your Emotions Can Help You Lose the Baby Fat

Expert Author Sandra JamesonHave your emotions ever gotten you into trouble? Have you ever done or said something you should not have and regretted later? In my life I have had my share of mistakes that were driven by my response to simply how I was feeling.

This is especially true when it came to weight loss. Like you may be, I was an emotional eater. I was also an emotional exerciser. Does this sound familiar to you?

Let me ask you, do you exercise when you feel like it, or perhaps you eat unhealthy foods when you feel depressed. If this describes you, I have very good news for you. Despite what your experience has lead you to believe, you can develop your emotional muscles to channel them so that they drive you to do the right thing rather the wrong thing, eat the right food versus the unhealthy alternative.

In this 3 part article series, you will discover 3 ways to make the shift from being led by your emotions to using them to reach your goals.

Where Is Your Focus?
If you want to control your emotions, you will have to take immediate responsibility for what you choose to focus. At any given moment your mind can take you places you would have never selected on your own. Perhaps you are remembering a failed relationship or a missed opportunity.

The Simply Truth to Emotional Management
Here is the simple you must understand, "whatever you focus on, you will feel." Did you catch that? If you want to make a radical difference in how you feel at any moment in time, simply change what you focus on. Most people don't make it to the gym for their morning workout not because they have no desire to exercise but because they focus on all of the challenges associated with working out. Instead, starting today, you will decide to put your full attention on the benefits of making it to the gym.

The Secret Way to Lifelong Emotional Intelligence
If you do this with sincere intensity you can change how you feel in a moment however if you make positive radical changes to what you focus on a daily basis, you will change your life long-term. So let me ask you, in what area of your weight loss journey have you been the most unhappy?
Whatever it is, write it down and ask yourself, when you think about that area, what do you focus on? What emotions are stirred inside of you as you focus on what you focus on during this time? Here is the magic question. What could you focus on instead that will empower you to begin that exercise program or eat the right food?

Bottom Line?- Get started creating your compelling future right away!
And do you want to know the best way to bypass all of the pitfalls and rocket past your old excuses? Study the habits of other successful moms!

And it just so happens that I have one of my most powerful eBooks and my latest BabyFatFree.com newsletter at no charge, waiting for you. Simply visit the blog to discover how you can experience true and lasting weight loss after pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sandra_Jameson

How to Heal Subconscious Blocks to Weight Loss - Part I

Expert Author Sandy E ZeldesHow do we heal subconscious blocks or resistance to healing? In EFT we describe this resistance as psychological reversal. The best way to describe what this feels like is to think of a car driving down the road with both the gas and the brake on at the same time. How does this work? One simple example can be when we are significantly overwhelmed or stressed and though we may want to lose weight, the compulsion to over-eat is stronger and overrides our desire at times.

I have broken the most significant blocks (or places where internal resistance can show up) to weight loss that I see into 3 categories:

1. Negative beliefs or thoughts about food, weight and our bodies

2. Emotional stress, both current and past

3. Dietary, nutritional and physiological stress (all of which are effected by the above two as well but I work with separately at times.)
Addressing Negative Beliefs

In this article I will give you some tools for clearing the fist category of blocks- negative beliefs. The negative beliefs we have both conscious and subconscious, can contribute significant resistance to taking action toward our goals.

Exercise one:

First, write down your weight loss goal at the top of a piece of paper.
How positive do you feel that you can achieve it right now? Do you have any negative thoughts or feelings that come up as soon as you write it, or state it?
These often come in the form of "yes but" statements or have a "because" after them. I'll never be able to lose that much weight because...

Some common examples might be:

"yeah, but I won't be able to maintain my weight loss, or all I have to do to get there... "
"I can't picture being at my goal weight, I have so far to go"
"It will take too much work"
"I haven't been able to do it before, so why now"
"I'll feel deprived and like I have to eat foods I don't want to eat.."etc.
"Even if I lose the weight I still won't be happy, so maybe it doesn't matter anyway"
"I don't want to have to give up... (you name the food or habit)"
"If I lose weight, others will be jealous or try to sabotage me"
"I don't want to eat differently than (my spouse, my colleagues, my friends, my family, etc)"
Rate the negative beliefs by giving them a number from 1-10. 10 feeling the most true or causing the most intensity right now for you, 1 the least.

Tap on each belief that is over a rating of 7 first.

Exercise two:

What do you say to your body when you look in the mirror or get dressed? How do you really feel? When was the first time you recall feeling that way? Keep asking yourself this last question until you feel you've gotten to the origins of a negative body belief or image.
Some possible examples:

1. Decisions we made about our bodies and size in our pre-teen years based on friends and family or community around us. Be sure to get very specific when the first incident happened that you can recall. Often there really is a first one and starting there goes a long way in healing this issue.
2. Constant self critical dialog about parts of our bodies or all of it, but again, get specific. "I can't stand how my arms feel and look in that shirt... "

Rate negative self talk or incident.

Tap on each negative thought or belief individually taking those rated at 7 first.
I have seen just tapping on negative beliefs in this way release weight for people many times. I am always fascinated by how much resistance is created by these earlier incidents and current negative beliefs that are usually when many women begin dieting or restricting then over-eating. Several of my clients were able to stop the constant need to diet or food restrict after clearing a pre-teen incident where body hatred began. It is these incident and negative beliefs about ourselves that educate (whether we are aware of it or not) our present behaviors with food. Truly, love heals all. Cliche as it sounds, it is true I think. We must go back and heal the wounds and bring love to our bodies, all sizes, all shapes and all colors. God made us different and unique and we must celebrate that.

Blessings fellow Goddesses,

Get Your FREE Eat Like A Goddess Support Package: Report: The 3 Biggest Mistakes Many Women Make When Trying to Lose Weight and Teleclass: 5 Steps to Kick Sugar Cravings FAST by going to: http://www.EatLikeAGoddess.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sandy_E_Zeldes

Psychic Phenomenon Is A Personal Decision

By Gloria Gardner

One needs to know the meaning of the word psychic. It is literally of the mind. Finding this sort of psychic Columbia MD or anywhere in the world takes lots of research. One must listen with both their hearts and their minds to figure it out.

So many big names out there for being able to do something special with one's mind. Extra sensory perception, telekinesis, and many more big words make it confusing to know what the person can do. The one thing that is the same throughout is that it all has to do with special abilities of the mind.

Be forewarned, however, because there are many out there who say they have these gifts. Maybe some do, but others will use trickery and deception to take a person's money. The will do this through a perceptive profiling or even by putting a hidden microphone in the audience.

Psychics fascinate people. The ability to do something unique with the mind is intoxicating. Shows are made about people who can talk to the dead. Also movies crop up everywhere with this sort of character in them.

All over the internet there are people claiming to be able to tell one's future. There are psychics who work with the police, who will have them look for missing people. They also work in fields such as surgery and archaeology.

How one can know if these are valid or not is a hard question within itself. One needs to gather the data and avoid the influence of others to make a good choice. Then and only then should a person go forth with seeking this sort of help.

In truth, a person needs to justify the reality within his or her own mind. No one can make a person believe. There is such a lot to consider when finding a psychic columbia md or anywhere in the world. A person needs to let their hearts and minds work together to decide.

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Acupuncture Migraine Relief Is Possible

By Muriel Noel

If you suffer from severe headaches, you might be interested in finding out more about acupuncture migraine relief. This type of therapy has been found to be very effective for pain of all types. It is often able to help in the case of migraines as well, without the need for taking medication.

Migraines are intense headaches that are often either accompanied or preceded by some symptoms such as blind spots or light flashes. When they are happening, in addition to the throbbing pain, there is often nausea, vomiting, and unusual sensitivity to light and possibly to sound as well. People often feel the need to lie down quietly in a dark place.

The cause behind these headaches is not something that's well understood. Sometimes there are things that will trigger them but this is not necessarily the case. There is also a possibility of a genetic predisposition to them.

There are some triggers that are common such as chocolate; alcohol, especially red wine; aged cheese; and bright lights. Women who are having changes in their estrogen level may also find this to be a trigger. As with other kinds of headaches, not eating when hungry, insufficient sleep and stress can also be factors as can some forms of medication.

If you can pinpoint what the triggers are for your migraines, an important part of preventing them will, of course, include abstaining from them if possible. Finding ways to better deal with the effects of stress, such as meditation or yoga, can be helpful in avoiding migraines and other health issues. An acupuncturist can help not just in dealing with more than just the pain when you are in the midst of a migraine.

When you see a practitioner for acupuncture migraine treatments, he or she will approach the headaches as a symptom of an imbalance in your body. Your acupuncturist will then work with you to get you back into balance, resulting in better health overall. Part of this will likely be advice on lifestyle and nutritional changes that may be made to keep you staying healthy.

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Understanding The Work Of A Pediatrician

By Gloria Gardner

All parents are concerned about the welfare of their children. You provide the basic necessities since naturally the children are dependent on you. It's your obligation to provide food, shelter and most importantly health care. Kids are susceptible to infections. This is because they have a weak immune system. If sick, book an appointment with a child doctor. By understanding the task of a pediatrician Surprise parents are confident all will be well.

Some parents take the initiative of buying over the counter prescription or administering home remedies. This may be due to lack of confidence in doctors. Shedding light to their role in general health can greatly change this. Some complications require qualified physician, do not jeopardize the life of your young one.

Pediatrics by simple definition is a field in medicine concerned basically with the care of infants, children and young adults. The specialists diagnose and treat childhood diseases. In addition to this, they also offer advice and monitor growth and development of the child. It's up to you to make sure that they get enough exercise and consume a well balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Pediatrics are thoroughly trained just like any other professional. They must graduate from college, join a medical school and pass some tests to acquire a degree. They then specialize in the field before heading for an internship program and acquire a work permit from the state in which they'd practice in.

The environment under which these doctor works is unique. The walls have cartoon murals and playing rooms with toys and coloring books for new arrivals. This is not only soothing but also it's something kids relate to. This in addition to your presence makes the young patient comfortable.

Regularly visit a doctor to facilitate a healthy lifestyle. Through bringing light to the tasks of a pediatrician surprise mums and dads now have a bright future to look forward for.

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How To Clean Eyeglass Frames

By Gloria Gardner

Proper care of eyeglass frames Long Island is essential to sustain the glasses optimal condition. It is basically necessary for every owner of this accessory to maintain the lenses good quality. In this article you can find some easy and fun steps to ensure your lenses wellness.

Some people will truly love this first means of cleaning. It is especially designed for people who regularly use their glasses. You can use your glasses during bathing. Let the water wash your lenses for a few minutes. Afterwards, you can take a mild shampoo and use it gently in washing the lenses.

After allowing the warm water to ooze its way to your glass lens, take it off. After this, you get a mild soap and deliberately wash it with the mild soap. It has to be washed using your gentle caring hands. After this, gently wipe the frame of your glasses with a soft cloth or fabric. This method is a good option for the constant wearer.

Some owners do not often use their glasses. This second tip may suit these owners cleaning need. Take any utensil or container that can hold your glasses. Immediately place lukewarm water to the container. Along with the water, place some mild or gentle shampoo. Then, mix the solution well.

Wait for approximately three minutes for the water to soak your glasses. After three minutes, pick your glasses up and slowly shake it in a to and fro manner. You shake it with precision and clarity.

After that, use your fingers to rub the lenses while washing again it in running water. Finally, remove the damp fabric cloth and use a soft dry cotton cloth to dry it. This method is a good one for those who rarely use their glasses.

Eyeglass Frames Long Island can be properly cared using gentle and mild detergents and shampoos. It is best cleaned by precisely handling it with care in rinsing and rubbing. Your lenses is an important part of your glasses so it must be properly cared for your own benefit.

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How to Lose Weight in a Short Time

If you have a weight loss routine that you have been trying for a very long time and still not getting any results, it's about time to do it the right way.

It is true that a larger portion of the current population is struggling with maintaining their weight, but the real reason people fail to find the right product is because they are not familiar with the science of weight loss and they keep asking, how to lose weight quickly.

Once you understand what are the essentials of a good weight loss product are, you can make better choices and reach your fitness targets faster.

For this purpose, here's a short list of what you need to consider when looking for the right weight loss solution:
  • The product you select should be natural in its compositions. It can't be overstressed that our bodies are products of nature, and that anything that is chemically harsh will not be good for us in the long run. Therefore, be very sure that the product has absolutely no side effects.
  • The product should not affect your diet at all. While it is true that you'll have to make certain changes to your diet and eliminate a few things that are causing you to put on more weight, you should not, at any cost, starve yourself. The product should be able to form a natural part of your diet and should not severely curb your food intake and/or daily routine.
  • Most importantly, the product needs to be tested rigorously. Good health is the foremost and most valued asset we have, and one can't take risks with it no matter what. Therefore, make sure the product has been tested and proven safe.
As it so happens, there is indeed a product in the market that can really help you lose weight fast and provide permanent results. We are talking about Stratzol for weight loss, a highly effective formula that is 100% natural and has no side effects.

At the same time, it is available as a whole food and forms a natural component of your diet. When compared to other similar products in the market, Stratzol gets absorbed faster and starts displaying results sooner. It works on reducing the fat cells in volume and number, and that is why the results obtained from it are permanent.

Countless people have already benefited from this wonderful product. Here, at last, is the solution that will work for you!

Stratzol, the Switzerland's secret for weight loss, is now available in the UK. Visit Dreamlifez.com to learn more about its wonderful benefits and how it can help you lose weight in a healthy way!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andreas_Eriksson

How to Lose Weight by Sleeping

A lot of scientific research has revealed that there is a definite relationship between sleep and weight loss. When we get tired without getting enough sleep, our basal metabolic rate decreases and the rate at which our body burn fat also goes down.

Furthermore, scientific trials have revealed that people that get only around 5.5 hours of sleep at night will lose 55% less fat than overweight people that get full night's sleep.

The quality and quantity of sleep that you get when you are on a weight loss diet is one of the things that will determine the success or failure of your slimming diet; if you do not get enough sleep, you might not be able to achieve your fat loss goals.

Moreover, lack of good sleep also increases your risk of developing heart diseases and other serious diseases.

So how can you improve the quality and quantity of your sleep to aid your fat loss?
You can make use of these two tips to improve your sleep:

1-Sleep in a dark room
When you sleep in total darkness, you sleep better and longer than when you sleep in a room that has light even, if it is a dim light.

Furthermore, scientific research carried out on mice revealed that a set of mice exposed to dim light at night for 8 weeks gained about 50% more weight than another set of mice that were made to sleep in total darkness. Also, the set of mice that slept under dim lights developed an increased accumulation of epididymal fat and poor control of blood glucose which also increases the suspicion that sleeping under light could also predispose to the development of type 2 diabetes.

2-Avoid sleeping late
The advent of late night television and twenty four hours internet to read e-mails and visit our favourite social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter has put a lot of strain on the quality of sleep of a lot of people get.

All these night activities eat up the number of hours that we should use to sleep and the amount of light that they expose us to at night stimulates our brains to prime our bodies to crave for midnight snacks that contain lots of sugar.

So, if you want to lose body fat, do not stay up beyond 10 pm watching television or working on your computer; if you want to shed excess body fat, you must make sure that you get at least 8 hours of good night's rest.

By the way, are you interested in knowing more natural steps that you can use to shed excess body fat?

If so, go to weight solution to sign up for a free 7 day fat loss diet e-course by the diet solution program.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_D_Moody

Tips On Finding An Excellent Orthodontist In Jackson Heights

By Lynne Bonner

Orthodontists are dentists who specialize in the prevention and correction of misaligned teeth and jaws. A person can seek the consultation of these specialists for both health and cosmetic reasons. It is not hard to get an orthodontist in Jackson Heights, if you apply an appropriate criteria. Orthodontist in Jackson Heights

Make enquiries from the people you know, on the specialists around you. These could be your friends, work mates, relatives or business colleagues. A few of them could recommend to you some of these professionals that they know. The yellow pages and online directories could also be of help to you.

After getting a list of potential experts, it is important to select the best. Check on their educational background and academic credentials. It is a requirement that a dentist must have a degree and training in dental health. They also must have passed the National Board Dental Examinations.

Another important consideration is the level of professional experience. With regards to this, consider how long they have practiced. Ask them also if they have dealt with cases similar to yours. Experienced dentists are likely to treat you better and also offer you much needed advice.

Ensure that your proposed specialist is authorized to practice. A certified dentist should be a member of some recognized professional associations. These associations not only license their members, but also monitor their professional conduct. They include, the American Association of Orthodontists, American Board of Orthodontics and American Dental Association.

Check the testimonials of the clients of your proposed expert. These testimonials will give an idea of their track records and overall performance. Such compliments can also be found in the websites and offices of various dentists. It would also be better if you talk to their clients who can give unbiased remarks.

When looking for an orthodontist in Jackson Heights, one probably hope to find the best. You should take enough of your time to assess the most suitable. This will ensure that you get the best treatment for the malocclusion.

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The Benefits Of Pure Tamanu Oil

By Muriel Noel

Found in Southeast Asia, pure tamanu oil is a topical ointment that is associated with various benefits. In many parts of the world it is a highly valuable commodity. This is due to the fact that the tree after which it is named blooms annually for a very short duration. This makes the production of the oil an expensive and time-consuming activity.

Tamanu oil is used for variety of reasons around the world. In Polynesia and Fiji, is often used to heal various skin disorders. This is due to its ability to enhance the production of new skin cells.

For thousands of years, those who live in the Pacific Islands have utilized the substance. Natives of the aforementioned areas state that it can be used to cure acute or chronic pain and heal skin cuts. Its proponents also state that it can eliminate eczema and dry skin, as well as alleviate the pain from sunburns, including those of a serious nature.

Certain native islanders also claimed that the oil can reduce the pain of a sore throat when rubbed onto the person's neck. Many people have also stated that the substance is a beneficial treatment for neuralgia, gout, arthritis and sciatic pain. Additional studies are necessary, however, with regard to its use for such disorders.

The product is used as a cosmetic ingredient, as well. It gives many cosmetics their silky texture and pleasant fragrance. Unlike traditional products of this type, those containing pure tamanu oil are not prone to caking or clumping. In addition, once absorbed, makeup that contains such oil leaves one's skin feeling softer and smoother.

The oil is frequently used to treat diaper rash and to alleviate headaches. In some parts of the world, it is an effective insect repellent, as well. Researchers are also currently studying its antibacterial properties.

As research continues, additional benefits of pure tamanu oil will likely be found. It is unwise, however, for individuals to replace conventional treatments or medications with alternative supplements. It is also a good idea to discuss the use of any new alternative treatment or nutritional supplement with a licensed medical professional.

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Burn Fat Naturally - 5 Ways to Burn More Fat

Your body is a wondrous machine. Even though you may at times not be completely happy with the way you look - or maybe your doctor has advised you to lose some weight - you have to marvel at the way it works.
After all, even though you may feel you have a little (or a lot) too much fat on your frame, from your body's perspective, it is just doing its job. You see, your body evolved over millions of years to store energy in the form of fat so that when hard times come along, you can survive longer without food.

The trouble is, in today's world, we face two challenges that we did not face during most of our evolutionary history:

a. unless throughout much of history, most of us today have access to an abundance of food, more than at any time in history

b. we tend to eat a lot of refined, processed foods containing such fat-producing ingredients as partially hydrogenated oils, refined white flour, white sugar, and corn syrup.

These two factors combined mean that we, as a society, tend to put on the pounds like never before. Nowadays, if you want to stay lean, you need to make a conscious effort to do so. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to actually burn fat naturally while you just go about your day doing what you like to do.
If you would like to learn to burn fat naturally, here are 5 tips for burning more fat:

1. Jumpstart your metabolism each morning
Your metabolism simply refers to the rate at which your body burns calories. Anybody who is exercising is going to burn calories faster than when not exercising. However, all of us also burn calories while at rest. This is called our basal metabolic rate (BMR). The clincher is that the BMR for each person is a bit different; some people just burn more calories when they are sitting still.

The good news is that you can jumpstart your metabolism by exercising. Even if you do not have the time to exercise for the recommended 20-60 minutes each day, you can jumpstart your metabolism to burn at a higher rate. Just do some exercises in the morning, like pushups, sit-ups or leg squats.
2. Drink more ice water:
Ice water actually requires more calories to burn than does regular, room-temperature water. This is because it actually requires calories to heat up the water so that your body can process it. So, drink at least 6-8 glasses of ice water every day and watch the calories melt away.

3. Green tea, anyone?
Green tea is a popular drink in East Asia. It contains two chemicals (cannatic extract and gymnemic acid) which, together, act to partially keep your blood from absorbing sugar. And, green tea also helps block a key digestive enzyme required to process carbohydrates. Try drinking green tea before meals.

4. Pack on more muscle:
Nutritionists and scientists have proven that muscle burns more calories than does fat. So, spend some time at least 2-3 days per week strengthening your muscles by lifting weights. As you do, your body's BMR (see above) will naturally increase.

5. Like hot sauce with that?
Top nutritionists have shown that regularly consuming hot, spicy foods like cayenne pepper, chili sauce and hot salsa actually increase your metabolism by up to 25%. So, sprinkle the hot sauce on more of your foods to watch the pounds burn away!

Try these 5 ways to burn more fat naturally.
Get access to an amazing fat-burning program that gets results: Burn The Pounds Away Naturally.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robbie_T._James

Is It Important To Eat Organic Food?

By Anthony Kalliopi

Organic food is often misunderstood by people. Many think it will magically have extra vitamins or minerals, and that consuming organic foods will keep you from becoming obese. These thoughts are anything but true, and are certainly not the reason why eating organic food makes a difference.

It's simple, really. The foods themselves might not be any healthier, but that's not the point. It's not that they're putting more good things into your body - it's that organic foods keep more bad things out.

These chemicals are unsafe for human consumption on their own but when they build up over time because you're ingesting them faster than you can get rid of them, they can do damage - especially to your liver.

This might also be part of the reason for the increase in obesity. The liver is largely responsible for your bodies ability to burn fat. A healthy, well functioning liver makes your body much more of a fat-burning machine. But it's become so taxed by simply removing toxins from the body that it can no longer do its fat-burning job.

The problem with the herbicides, pesticides, preservatives, artificial colors and other chemicals going into our foods is this: they may not be toxic on their own, but when all combined to create our processed foods, then hit with high-heat or radiation to kill bacteria growth, completely new chemicals are formed through the chemical reactions. These new chemicals are not identified or tested for toxicity. So we're literally poisoning ourselves, causing all of these diseases and health problems for ourselves.

The real health benefits of eating organic foods doesn't come from the food itself though. The real benefit comes from no longer loading yourself with chemicals, giving your liver and the rest of your detox systems a break. When you give them a break, amazing things can start to happen. Your body will actually start to heal itself and some of these horrible diseases such as asthma, cancer, and arthritis can go away.

And once your body can start healing itself, you'll be amazed at what starts to happen. Your body and mind will work better together, and you'll experience the gift of true health.

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