Burn Fat Naturally - 5 Ways to Burn More Fat

Your body is a wondrous machine. Even though you may at times not be completely happy with the way you look - or maybe your doctor has advised you to lose some weight - you have to marvel at the way it works.
After all, even though you may feel you have a little (or a lot) too much fat on your frame, from your body's perspective, it is just doing its job. You see, your body evolved over millions of years to store energy in the form of fat so that when hard times come along, you can survive longer without food.

The trouble is, in today's world, we face two challenges that we did not face during most of our evolutionary history:

a. unless throughout much of history, most of us today have access to an abundance of food, more than at any time in history

b. we tend to eat a lot of refined, processed foods containing such fat-producing ingredients as partially hydrogenated oils, refined white flour, white sugar, and corn syrup.

These two factors combined mean that we, as a society, tend to put on the pounds like never before. Nowadays, if you want to stay lean, you need to make a conscious effort to do so. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to actually burn fat naturally while you just go about your day doing what you like to do.
If you would like to learn to burn fat naturally, here are 5 tips for burning more fat:

1. Jumpstart your metabolism each morning
Your metabolism simply refers to the rate at which your body burns calories. Anybody who is exercising is going to burn calories faster than when not exercising. However, all of us also burn calories while at rest. This is called our basal metabolic rate (BMR). The clincher is that the BMR for each person is a bit different; some people just burn more calories when they are sitting still.

The good news is that you can jumpstart your metabolism by exercising. Even if you do not have the time to exercise for the recommended 20-60 minutes each day, you can jumpstart your metabolism to burn at a higher rate. Just do some exercises in the morning, like pushups, sit-ups or leg squats.
2. Drink more ice water:
Ice water actually requires more calories to burn than does regular, room-temperature water. This is because it actually requires calories to heat up the water so that your body can process it. So, drink at least 6-8 glasses of ice water every day and watch the calories melt away.

3. Green tea, anyone?
Green tea is a popular drink in East Asia. It contains two chemicals (cannatic extract and gymnemic acid) which, together, act to partially keep your blood from absorbing sugar. And, green tea also helps block a key digestive enzyme required to process carbohydrates. Try drinking green tea before meals.

4. Pack on more muscle:
Nutritionists and scientists have proven that muscle burns more calories than does fat. So, spend some time at least 2-3 days per week strengthening your muscles by lifting weights. As you do, your body's BMR (see above) will naturally increase.

5. Like hot sauce with that?
Top nutritionists have shown that regularly consuming hot, spicy foods like cayenne pepper, chili sauce and hot salsa actually increase your metabolism by up to 25%. So, sprinkle the hot sauce on more of your foods to watch the pounds burn away!

Try these 5 ways to burn more fat naturally.
Get access to an amazing fat-burning program that gets results: Burn The Pounds Away Naturally.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robbie_T._James

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