Best Weight Loss Workouts – Fitness Training

   If you want to lose weight, you need to look at two areas – your diet and your exercise. But which form of exercise is best for weight loss? Recent research suggests that the old formula of twenty minutes steady cardio may not be the most effective way to shift the pounds. If you’re looking at exercise as a way to help you lose weight it makes sense to figure out which type will burn the most calories. However, the relationship between exercise and the calories your body burns is probably one of the most misunderstood subjects in the field of fitness. But if you want to get the most from your workouts, it’s worth understanding. Many people attempt to figure out how many calories a given workout uses (there are numerous charts available to help you do this), then of course consume that many calories straight afterwards! But whether your step class or swim burns 300 or 400 calories is only one part of the issue – to get the complete picture, there are actually three different issues you need to consider when comparing workouts – how many calories your exercise burns while you’re doing it, how long it continues burning calories after you finish your workout, and what long term effect it is having on your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories). We’ll look at each in turn. The long and the short of calorie burning Every workout has the potential to burn calories immediately, for a short while after you finish your workout, and long term. So how does each work? 1. Short-term – This refers to how many calories any given workout burns while you’re actually doing it – this is what the charts and the readouts on some CV machines attempt to estimate. It is also notoriously hard to accurately asses as it depends on your fitness level, body composition, workout length and intensity, etc, etc. 2. Medium-term – When you exercise, your body continues to burn calories for a while after you finish your workout. Depending on the exercise you do, your body can continue to burn calories for hours afterwards. 3. Long term – What affect are your workouts having on your body composition? Different workouts change your body in different ways, and this will ultimately affect how many calories you burn, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Most fitness experts believe that the key to understanding the effects of exercise on calories burned is to ignore the short term, and focus on the medium and long-term effects of your workouts, because of their effects upon your metabolism. So which workouts are most effective at raising your metabolism? Speed up your metabolism When you hear the phrase “speed up your metabolism” what do you initially think? Did you know that you really can speed it up – and what effects does this have? To lose weight and then manege to keep it off one of the things you will need to know is which type of workout will have the most dramatic effect on the speed of your metabolism. Speeding up your metabolism helps you to burn more calories all day every day. Therefore, you need to find fitness workouts that both work for you and also achieve the desired results. There are really three key types of workouts that will fit the bill – one being a cardio and one being more a workout type option : Interval Training (cardiovascular workouts with short bursts of speed mixed in). These give your metabolism a boost, so that your body continues to burn calories for several hours after your workout. Resistance Training (free weights or machines). Performed with minimal rest, a hard weights session is as tough as an interval workout – if you wear a heart rate monitor during weight training, you should find that it fluctuates between 60 – 85% MHR (Maximum Heart Rate) during the workout – just like intervals. Fat Burn Training (squat press is among the best!) The most effective workouts for raising the metabolism are interval training (cardiovascular workouts with short bursts of speed mixed in), and resistance training. Resistance training works on two counts – firstly, the intensity of it raises your metabolism. Secondly, by adding lean muscle, you further increase the amount you burn. 

Research has shown other things to be helpful in raising metabolism and maximising the fat burning effect of your workouts. One is split workouts – two short workouts per day burn more than one longer one; another is watching what you eat after a workout – consuming a carbohydrate laden drink or snack right after a workout will shut off the post-workout burning process, while a more protein intensive one will allow the burning to continue longer. In addition to these ‘medium-term’ metabolic effects, both of these forms of training have another benefit that will contribute to long-term weight loss. Interval training, if performed regularly, dramatically increases the body’s output of HGH – Human Growth Hormone. This is definitely a good thing, because HGH facilitates two crucial processes in your body – building muscle and burning fat. Enough said! Similarly, resistance training not only raises your metabolism in the short to medium term, it also adds lean muscle – for each extra pound of lean muscle you carry, you burn 15 – 35 calories per hour, 24/7, 365 days a year – even when you’re asleep! So if weight loss is your goal, be sure to include weight training and intervals in your regular workouts to maximise the benefits of your training time. Weight loss tips While weight loss tips won’t guarantee that you will be successful, having the right information at your fingertips can certainly make the process a little easier. As with all weight loss tips you need to check they are from a good source. These can help you to offset the nonsense and misinformation put out by companies who want you to buy their products. Regardless of your objectives for slimming, there are so many different routes to ensure that you are looking good both short and medium term. You will also be making changes that suit your lifestyle too. So here are our top weight loss tips to help you fight your own battle of the bulge: Set realistic goals: While you will read plenty of diet plans and pills promising that you can lose 10 pounds per week, any qualified doctor or dietician will tell you that such a figure is unrealistic – a safe, healthy and sustainable rate is 1 – 2 pounds per week. It may not sound like much, but just one pound per week would equal almost two stone in 6 months time. Ditch the junk calories: Most people have hidden, or junk calories in their diet – alcohol, junk food, sugary sodas. Simply getting rid of these junk calories can make a huge difference in the long term. Eat your five a day: We are constantly being exhorted to eat our 5 a day, and it really makes sense if you want to ditch the fat. Fresh fruit and vegetables contain few calories, and have lots of great nutrients. It’s hard to gain weight if you are eating lots of fresh fruit and veg. Learn to love water: Water is a key dieting. It is calorie free, helps to fill you up, and is needed by the body to metabolise fight. What more could you ask for?

by ayoub oubarka

How to Lose Weight by Running

Many people begin running because they want to lose weight. As one of the most vigorous exercises out there, running is an extremely efficient way to burn calories and drop pounds. A 150-pound person will burn approximately 100 calories per mile when running. If you're hoping to use running to lose weight, here's some advice on how to be successful.
1. Healthy Eating is the First Step                 
If you want to lose weight by running, keep in mind that you'll only shed pounds if you burn more calories than you consume. To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3500 calories. So you'll need to combine running with a healthy diet. Runners do have special nutrition needs, but the basic principles for healthy eating still apply. Try choosing smaller portions of high-fat and high-calorie foods and eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
One common eating mistake among runners is that they overcompensate for the calories burned by exercise with extra calories from more food and beverages. Some runners even find that they gain weight or hit a weight loss wall, despite their regular training.

One way to prevent "stealth calorie" consumption or mindless eating is to write everything you're eating in a journal for a few weeks. Seeing a record of your food intake will help you see where your diet needs improvement. It will also keep you on track because you'll think twice before putting that chocolate-covered donut in your mouth.
2. Follow a training schedule
Sticking to a training schedule is a simple way to stay motivated to run. You'll know exactly what you need to do every day and each run builds on the next, so it's much harder to postpone or skip workouts. Following a schedule can also help you avoid a running injury by not increasing your mileage too quickly. If you're new to running, here are beginner training schedules to check out:

4 Weeks to Run One Mile - for those brand-new to running.
3 Weeks to a 30-Minute Running Habit - for beginners who can run for a minute.
4 Weeks to Run Two Miles - for beginners who can run at least a half mile.
5K Run/Walk Training Schedule - for beginners who can run for 5 minutes at a time.
5K Beginner Runner Training Schedule - for beginners who can run at least one mile.
More Training Schedules- if none of the above schedules work for you.

3. Run Regularly
If you don't want to follow a schedule, you still need to have some consistency with your running because you won't lose weight by running once a week. It's best to get some activity every day but, if that's not possible, try to shoot for at least 3
4 times per week. If you find that your motivation to run is suffering, follow these tips to get inspired.
4. Eat for Performance
If you're running regularly and you're training for a long-distance event, proper nutrition is especially critical for your performance. Skipping meals doesn't allow you to train with adequately fueled muscles. You shouldn't skimp on calories before, during (when necessary), and immediately after your very intense and long workouts. These are crucial times when nutrition is important to performance and recovery.
5. Keep it Challenging
Incorporating speed work or interval training (running at a very fast speed for short intervals of time) into your running routine can also help your weight loss efforts. Speed work burns a great amount of calories in a short period of time. You'll also increase your muscle mass and improve your resting metabolism, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day.
by ayoub oubarka

Here Are A Few Things That You Could Do To Stay Away From A Heart Attack

By James Steele

There are men and women around the globe that are at risk for having a heart attack and also the amount of folks that have this risk keep growing every single day. You'll realize that many folks actually believe that there is nothing they are able to do about their risks. The reality is preventing the chances that you may possibly have a heart attack can be achieved using various methods. If you feel you're at risk for heart attacks, below you are going to find some steps you can take that will have the ability to reduce these risks.

Should you be one of the smokers in the world, you have to quit. You'll find the one of the primary reasons men and women have heart attacks and simply because their arteries become blocked. One of the main reasons these arteries become blocked is simply because of plaque buildup. While everyone knows smoking is bad you are going to discover that many individuals do not realize that smoking actually causes the buildup of plaque inside your arteries.

The food that you eat can also end up causing plaque to buildup in your arteries and this obviously this can lead to blood clots. Excess salt, fatty foods and an abundance of red meat, are a couple of the foods that can end up generating this plaque. Your best bet is to find a nice healthy diet which you can follow everyday, this will also help you to lose weight should you be one of the people who are overweight.

You ought to comprehend that when men and women are overweight they have a higher chance of a heart attack because their heart has to work harder. So obtaining a healthy diet and getting regular exercise is not only going to lower your chances of a heart attack but you'll find you will have more energy and feel better when you are at the right weight. If you have a family Physician it may be a good idea to consult with him or her about a healthy diet that's filled with antioxidant's rich foods.

You'll also find that diabetes and high blood pressure can also lead to individuals having heart attacks. It is very important to keep these issues under control, meaning that if you really need to you should take medications. You must understand that proper blood pressure and sugar levels will be able to help you decrease the risks of having a heart attack.

You can needless to say, find other ways to help reduce your risks of a heart attack and talking with your doctor might be one of your best options. Of course you don't need to wait to talk to your doctor in order to start using these tips that we have talked about above.

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Two Simple Weight Loss Tricks That Work

By Russ Howe Pti

At some stage most of us will hit a plateau with our diet. If you are looking at how to lose weight and perhaps struggling to push on to the next level, you will find the two simple steps given in today's article to be incredibly useful.

There is so much false information out there regarding fat loss that it is very easy to be misled and just as easy to end up wasting your hard earned cash on supposed miracle fixes. What we share with you today is proven and best of all completely free.

When trying to get rid of unwanted body fat, there's a couple of really easy to follow steps which will help you get there faster. They are even easier than you probably think right now.

Rule One - Snack Tubs.

Rule Two - Days Off.

The majority of people who find it hard to stick to a diet tell us that their biggest vice is snacking on junk food. Usually this happens when they are at work. This makes sense. Half way through a long shift at your job, with work piling up and stress levels climbing higher it is easy to give in to the temptation of the vending machine staring at you from across the break room. We get it.

But you won't find healthy snacks in there. The truth is your body doesn't even want what's in there. You crave the feeling you get from the junk food rather than the food itself.

The nutritional facts of any of the foods in that vending machine are terrible, so your body is absolutely not longing for that type of food, believe us on that. It's you. It's more of a comfort thing than a hunger thing. You associate it with feeling happy, and you know it.

By packing a few small snack tubs into your satchel each morning, each filled with a small protein rich meal, you enable your body to completely bypass any tendency to long for junk food. The protein will also have a smaller impact on your body cell's fat storage.

One of the main reasons we find ourselves frequenting the vending machine is the lack of any real alternative. This simple little trick is proven to return great results.

The second tip is just as important. Taking a day off your diet each week may seem like a nonsense idea but the fact remains most people fall off their healthy lifestyle plan because they attack it too hard and deny themselves their favorite foods from day one.

If you cut out every food you used to love you will feel like your diet is a complete chore. It becomes the enemy. Mentally you start seeing it as a struggle. This is why so many people fail.

Don't be too hard on yourself. You only want to build a better body, after all. Take a day off each week.

The increase in calories will not be large enough to have an impact on your overall progress, any junk food you consume is easily offset against eating well all week and most importantly it helps you to stick to your routine permanently this time.

Simply drag and drop these two simple rules into your current diet and you will see results. So many people ask us how to lose weight in the gym and they expect an over complicated answer, but sometimes the simple solutions is all you need.

About the Author:

Why You Should Read Weight Loss Consumer Reports

by ayoub oubarka

The development of the weight loss industry has led to the growth of scoresof weight loss supplements and programs each claiming to be the best thingto ever come out in the weight loss industry. While these weight lossproducts are not necessarily lying, some may also be guilty of not telling youthe whole truth. So that's where a weight loss product consumer reportcomes in. A weight loss product consumer report works by providinginformation on weight loss products that are made available to the public.With the general aim of weeding out the lies from the truths in the weightloss industry, a weight loss product consumer report is used to protectunknowing weight loss product consumers from falling prey to dishonestweight loss product manufacturers. 

Choosing weight loss products 

 Choosing a weight loss product to use can be very tricky. It's not even justbecause of the sheer amount of products available to you but more so theamount of information that each one is feeding you. So be careful before youbuy a weight loss product. It is not enough that you compare products basedon what's popular although that would give you an idea on which one works. To guide you, start out by looking up the list of ingredients of a weight lossproduct. Then look up a list of ingredients that according to the Food andDrug Administration are harmful for consumption. Just by the list of ingredients alone you will find out if you should be taking a particular weightloss product or not. 

Prescriptions: yes, no, maybe 

Prescription drugs are generally of higher potencies compared to over-the-counter products. Weight loss products that come with prescriptions arenormally given to very obese patients or if a person has a particular weightloss need that cannot be addressed with simple over-the-counter weight lossproducts. Because of their highly specific content, prescription weight lossproducts are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Degree of effectiveness depend from one person to another but most who takeprescription weight loss products lose about 5% to 10% from their weight.While usually given to very obese patients, prescription weight loss productsmay be given to people who have healthy body mass indexes considering  that they have consulted with their doctors and have been cleared to takethem.

 Go over-the-counter

 A lot of weight loss products are available to you over the counter. (Over-the-counter weight loss products mean that you don't need a prescription to takethem.) However, a weight loss product consumer report will tell you thatbuying weight loss products over-the-counter actually poses more threatsthan buying with a prescription because use is not regulated. Any person canbuy as much as they want, in as many brands as they want without regard towhat would work best for them. Essentially a trial-and-error process, thethreat also lies in using too many weight loss products at the same time.While all claiming to promote weight loss, weight loss products aren'tgenerally intended to be used in conjunction with another weight lossproduct. Well, because each one is claiming to handle singlehandedly allyour weight loss needs, they aren't formulated to be “friendly” to otherweight loss products. Using too many weight loss products at the same timecan actually make you sicker instead of better. By piling on differentsubstances into your body, you may be overloading your body systems in theprocess. This makes your body slow down and weaker in defending youagainst threats in the environment. 

Unproven  -                claims     

 Be careful of weight loss products labeled as “herbal” or “natural” as thesecan be misleading. Just because they are labeled as such, that does notguarantee that they are indeed safe for consumption. Not everything herbalor natural is safe for you. Some might even be potentially dangerousespecially to those who are suffering from any health condition or arealready taking prescription medication. 

Protec  -yourself  

As any weight loss product consumer report would, you have to learn how toprotect yourself. When buying any weight loss product, check to see if aweight loss consumer product report has been done on it. This will tell youhow it worked for other people, what does it do, and what does it contain—some of the very basic things you have to know about any weight lossproduct. Unless approved by the Food and Drug Administration, be cautiousabout products that contain the words: breakthrough, easy, magical, newdiscovery, guaranteed, effortless, exotic, secret, miraculous, and mysterious.If you've taken the time to find out what works, take the time to tell otherpeople what works. Create your own weight loss product consumer reportand help ensure that other people are informed and protected as well.


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