Top 100 Greatest Weight Loss Tips Ever!

Lose weight with just a few tweaks to your dietThis article is one that any serious dieter shouldn't be without. It's packed with handy tips designed to make weight loss easier. Write your favourite tips on post-it notes and stick them to your fridge, your PC or your dressing table mirror to ensure you're constantly inspired and share this article with your fellow dieters on Facebook and email so they can tell you which tips work best for them and support you in achieving your diet targets.

Hours of research and testing went into creating this hot list of diet tips, and we hope this feature revolutionises your weight-loss plan and helps you achieve your fitness goals. We would love to hear about all of your weight-loss success stories too, and see your before and after pictures, so please contact me on if you would like to inspire other dieters and share your weight loss story.
After reading following these tips, success is inevitable...

Food for thought...

1. Al dente pasta has a lower GI value, so is a healthier option than nuking your fusilli till it’s soggy.

2. Eat goats cheese instead of regular cheese. It contains 40 per cent fewer calories than the cheese made from cow’s milk.
3. Eat muesli two hours before working out to boost fat burning while you train. Slow to digest, muesli takes longer to get through your system, so is less likely to be turned into fat and still gives you a good energy boost.

4. Think about what you can add to your diet, not what you must take away. Integrate tasty veggies into your meal, rather than serving them on the side. Not only will they offset the fat in your chicken or meat, but the phytochemicals in fresh produce are proven to prevent diseases.

5. Are you really hungry, or just being greedy? Your stomach is only the size of a fist so it takes just a handful of food to fill it comfortably. Assess how you feel after eating. If you feel stuffed, bloated or tired, you are either eating at the wrong time or consuming too much.

6. Like it or loathe it, horseradish, which comes from the same family as wasabi, can actually help you dissolve your fat and stave off hunger pangs, claim researchers from the University of Copenhagen. Spread a little on your sarnies, instead of your usual ketchup, for a slimming effect.

7. Enjoy your treats away from home. Pop to the ice cream parlour for a scoop of your favourite flavour, or plan a meal treat with friends on a weekend. Turning your cravings into an adventure takes the temptation out of snacking at home.

8. Be realistic. Crazy goals like losing two dress sizes in two weeks will almost always end in tears, lost motivation and more than a little comfort eating. You can only ever look like a thinner you – so set standards you know you can achieve.

9. Use spray oil rather than pouring. One squirt contains only one calorie compared to 120 calories from a tablespoon. If you use oil in your cooking daily, this small change could lose you a stone over the year.

10. Yes, the 70s diet still holds sway. Low calorie, high fibre celery will stop you snacking, and contains high levels of calcium which help to get rid of the fat content in other foods. Tip: Eat braised celery with roast chicken to negate the bird’s calorie content.

11. Catch some zzz’s. Lack of sleep produces the hormone ghrelin, an appetite booster. Tiredness will almost certainly mean you’ll skip your early morning swim or evening jog and start craving sugar, bad carbs and caffeine. Commit to a regular sleep pattern and experience the transformation it will have on your ability to slim.

12. Mustard is a secret bulge-buster. It boosts your metabolism and increases natural ephadrine, the hormone that burns fat. According to Jeya Henry, professor of human nutrition at Oxford Brookes University, just a tablespoon in your food can reduce a flabby waist by 20 per cent!

13. Laziness is not a physical disease, but a mental one. Make it easier for your body to burn those extra calories by parking your car a little further away from your destination or take the stairs instead of the elevator.

14. Grating lemon zest into food could stop the urge to snack. According to The Journal of Nutrition, fibrous pectin in lemon peel turns into a sticky gel in your stomach which stops you absorbing sugar quickly.

15. If you suffer from food cravings, try a high fibre diet supplemented with a daily dosage of chromium. This will reduce your sensitivity to insulin, and is one of the easiest ways to help you lose weight.

16. Chew gum. Sometimes just chewing something with negligible calories in it is all it takes. If you can handle it, chew a piece of gum for one hour and drop 11 calories. Remember to opt for the sugar-free variety.

17. Make gradual but permanent behaviour changes. Slowly re-vamp the contents of your fridge to healthier products, steadily increase your fruit and veg portions, phase out biscuits and treats, and soon you’ll find that healthy eating becomes habit! Carole Holditch, founder of Good Habits

18. Suck it in. Consciously hold in and contract your stomach muscles while you’re walking, sitting at your desk or making the dinner. This will help to strengthen your abdominal muscles and your core, and bring you one step closer to a flatter stomach.

19. Beans, beans, are good for your heart, the more you eat the more you… lose weight actually. Super-effective and full of fibre, beans will regulate your appetite and slow down the rate at which your stomach empties, meaning you stay fuller for longer.

20. Believe in yourself. How often have you admired someone and their achievements and then instantly thought, ‘I’d love to do that, but I just can’t.’ Don’t limit your achievements by your thoughts. You can do whatever you want to do.

21.  Brightly coloured turmeric not only makes your curries taste fab, but it contains curcumin, an active ingredient that breaks down high-protein dishes, burns fat and holds back the growth of new fat tissue, according to The Journal of Nutrition.

22. Banish salt from your foods wherever you can. Not only does it raise your blood pressure and dry out your blood, but sodium causes you to retain water contributing to overall ill health and weight gain.
23. Time your eating and exercise appropriately. Never eat before you work out, and wait 30 to 60 minutes after training to ensure you catch your metabolism at its highest.

24. People who plan their weekly meals tend to be more successful at losing weight than those who don’t. Plan your dishes to include healthy carbs such as sweet potato and wholegrain pasta, green vegetables and lean proteins, buy all the ingredients in advance and don’t be tempted to eat out or order in.

25. Sunny side up please. Two eggs for breakfast is better than a bagel when it comes to managing your weight, says a report from the International Journal of Obesity.

26. Go bland. Plain, simple, unseasoned food such as grilled chicken, plain rice and a naked baked potato are nutritious but your palette will tire of them quickly, unlike salty moreish processed food, which keeps you snacking and piling on the pounds.

27. Choose spinach over any other green veg: it packs in double the fibre to help you process fat more quickly.

Top Metabolism Boosters

28. Pineapple: Nibble on it to break down the proteins in your main meal and kick start your metabolism.
29. Cinnamon: Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day, sprinkled into your breakfast cereal, will help you shift an amazing one kilo every month.

30. Cold showers: They not only burn 500 extra calories a day, studies from The New England Journal of Medicine cite that the icy water also activates ‘brown fat’ – the good type of body fat that creates body heat, increases metabolism and burns off naughty white fat.

31. Green tea: This powerful antioxidant can shift fat and ramp up your metabolism by 20 per cent.
32. Fatty coconut milk: Believe it or not, it contains good fats that are important for keeping your metabolism ticking. One meal, like a delicious Thai green curry, can actually increase your metabolism by 5 per cent, says research published in the International Journal of Obesity.

33. Fresh chilies, paprika, chilli or cayenne powder: Spice things up by adding a little to your meals, and getting a met-boost as you eat.

Table Manners

34. Buy smaller plates. Little crockery means portion control is much easier – those diminutive portions suddenly look huge and you’ll be happier to consume less.

35. Chewing your food thoroughly will not only make digestion easier, but will allow your body time to recognise when it is actually full, thus preventing overeating.

36. It’s Friday brunch time and you just can’t stop going back for seconds. But hang on! Stop for a minute and suck on an extra strong mint. The flavour will put you off that third plate of chicken korma/roast beef/sushi medley.

37. Music makes you eat more. According to a study by the journal Psychology and Marketing, soft, classical tunes encourage you to take time over your meal, so you consume more food. So, switch off – silence will make you more aware of what you’re putting in your mouth.

38. Be blue! Weirdly, azure shades have been proven to have a positive effect on your will to exercise regularly and resist bad foods. So, wear blue, eat from blue plates and watch the pounds drop off!
39 Get lifting. Pushing the heaviest weights at the gym will make you toned, sculpted and sexy, as well as raise your metabolism. Every new pound of muscle burns 75 cals a day at rest.

Tori Lecke, Health and Fitness expert

Work It Out

Personal fitness coach, Radha Belani, gives us her hottest workout tips:

40. Go back to basics – burn more calories than you ingest.
41. Put a two litre water bottle and a glass on your desk every morning. Get through it by lunch, and do the same in the afternoon. You’ll exercise better and recover faster if you’re hydrated. I drink some water every time someone asks me a silly question or sends a stupid email... find something that works for you!

42. Become an expert in what you’re doing. Learn how and why things work and then you’ll have faith that they will. Check out a podcast called Cut The Fat, and listen to it when you’re exercising.

43. It’s not weight-loss, it’s health-gain. Think about your changes as a way to gain things, not lose them.

44. You don’t need to exercise for hours on end. Short, sharp sets of exercise will produce better results if you work hard. Get a skipping rope, skip for two minutes, do push ups for one minute, skip for twominutes,
rest for one minute. Then change the push up to something else like sit ups and do the set again. Repeat it five times and it’s a quick, effective workout that will get better results than a long run or swim.

45. Supplement your diet with Omega-3 – buy good quality and they’ll boost your energy and burn more fat
46. After you wake up, eat breakfast as soon as you can. This kick starts your metabolism to work at a higher rate and burns more calories during the day.

47. Man up. Studies show that women binge on food more than men and, when food decisions are emotional, it’s a recipe for disaster. Instead, eat little amounts when you’re hungry, not when you’re bored or unhappy, and once a week go out with the girls for beer and pizza – you’ve earned it.

48. Set performance-based goals. Always set yourself incrementally larger goals each week to make sure you’re engaged and have something to strive for. Each little achievement is also a reward that you’re going in the right direction. From doing 10 more squats to mastering a new yoga pose, whatever floats your boat.

49. Bask in the sunshine. Just 20 minutes of Vitamin D absorption each day will boost your ability to loose weight.
50. People who embark on a weight-loss journey with a partner are 37 per cent more likely to stick with it than those who go it alone, according to a recent study from Indiana University in the US.

Don’t Diet, Dress Better!

VIVA’s Fashion Editor Kirsten Doak reveals how to slim down by dressing up:

51. Stock up on nude heels – the higher the better.  They play on the eye and no-one knows where your limbs finish and the Louboutin’s start.

52. Buy the right size. Squeezing into those skinny jeans  will only make your muffin top more noticable.

53. Make use of the season’s block colour trend. One colour straight up and down elongates the limbs.

54. It’s the small things that count. Invest in spanks. They cinch in the wobbly bits and make you feel taught, toned and terrific.

55. Don’t focus on your flaws, spotlight your best bits. Small waist? Belt it in. Beautiful bust? Lower the neckline. Toned butt? Rock tight jeans. Sexy legs? Show ‘em off. It’s really that simple.

56. It’s an age old trick but vertical stripes really do stretch you out. The contrast of colour straight up and down splits your body in half.

57. No raw after four. Your body can’t digest raw food after 4pm so eat fruit and salad earlier in the day and stick with cooked food in the evening.

58. Don’t mix fats and carbs. If you eat two of the most calorie dense molecules at the same time, your body will have issues processing them. You can eat both, but at separate times.

59. Get off the scales! As women, our weight can fluctuate according to our menstrual cycle, water retention and meal times. So refrain from standing on the scales too often to avoid becoming obsessed and demotivated.

60. If you’re supplementing, the vitamins and minerals most likely to rev up your metabolic engine are B complex, magnesium, copper, selenium, chromium and manganese. But don’t overdo it, find foods that are rich sources of each. Nuts and seeds in a small handful are perfect, says Stephanie Karl, Nutritionalist at the Dubai London Clinic.

61. Reduce your stress. Your stress hormone cortisol can be activated by extremely low-calorie diets, intense training, lack of sleep and day-to-day worries, which results in a spike in glucose levels in your blood. More worryingly, it can contribute to blocked arteries and fat build up around your internal organs, putting you at risk of diabetes and heart disease. The only prescription for this is to… chill out.

62. One grapefruit every day as part of a 120-week weight-loss plan can take 3lb off your overall target. Scripps Clinic in San Diego has found that the Vit-C packed citrus reduces insulin levels, which stop you craving sugary things. Try it in savoury and sweet dishes for added pep.

Get Sporty

63. Anyone for tennis? You’ll be reaching for the racket when we tell you that a 60-minute game can burn up to 420 calories.

64. Download your favourite tracks to work out to. If you’ve committed to a half hour session a day then a 30-minute soundtrack of the most upbeat, motivating tunes will keep you pumped up!

65. Get scrubbing! Give your maid the day off and give your pad a good clean. You’ll be amazed at how fast you banish those bingo wings.

66. Take a tip from the yoga masters and breathe... more oxygen in your cells means more fat is burned away. Breathing exercises such as those practiced in yoga are an easy addition to your daily weight loss regime.

67. Getting up and away from your desk at work for five minutes every hour will burn 200 calories a day!
68. Drink juice with pulp – the fibre from the bits of fruit is processed more efficiently so you feel satiated for longer.

69. Snack on high fibre, low starch carbs including natural nuts and seeds, quinoa, barley and oats to reduce those pesky hunger pangs until dinnertime. It also stops you from attacking the biscuits.

70. Pack your fridge with healthy convenient foods: pre-cooked grilled chicken breast, pre-cooked brown rice, wholegrain wraps, canned beans, frozen veggies and bags of pre-washed salad. This way you’ll be less likely to dial-a-pizza when you’re feeling lazy.

71. Be a kid again! When eating out, order a child’s sandwich, pizza or burger. Then you can have the treats you love, while reducing your portions and lowering your calorie intake.

72. Swap a bowl of pasta for a bowl of vegetables. You can save up to 200 calories by cutting the starch and adding veggies.

73. Find an alternative stress-reliever. When you’ve had a bad day, don’t reach for the doughnuts – find a new coping mechanism that works for you, not against you. Listening to your favourite album, looking at family pics on Facebook, or just getting out of the house for a walk will help you to focus on the positives.

74. Keep it natural. Avoiding processed foods will keep your digestion working efficiently as well as minimise your salt intake.

75. Tell friends, family and work colleagues that you’re dieting. Support from the people around you keeps you motivated, stops you from cheating and makes it less likely that you will fall off the wagon.

76. Post workout everyone feels ravenous and it’s easy to grab naughty treats. So keep healthy options such as beef jerky, almonds, walnuts and dried apricots in your bag and your car for a well done nibble afterwards.

Tori Lecke, Health and Fitness expert.

77. Never give up! Even if you’ve failed 10 times before, slipped up on your diet programme and fallen prey to a food binge, it’s even more reason to get back up and start again.

78. Go shopping! Make a promise to yourself that as soon as you reach your desired weight and dress size, you’ll reward yourself with that fabulous frock you’ve been eyeing up. It’s amazing how tangible goals can get your motivational juices flowing.

79. Use the 20 minute rule. Eat your portion-controlled meal then, even if you feel hungry afterwards, wait for 20 minutes and see if you still do. Nine times out of 10, you won’t. If you do, eat 10 per cent more.

80. Low-fat protein is a great basis for a weight loss diet. Foods like lean turkey, lentils and eggs in the right quantities will keep your sugar levels even, make you feel fuller for longer, lower the GI of the carbs you combine it with and help repair damaged body cells.

81. If you eat when you’re stressed, try munching on pumpkin or sunflower seeds. You’ll need to chew more, which will dissipate some of that energy, but without adding calories.

82. Love your pooch. Walking the dog twice a day is a great way to keep those love handles at bay.

83. Don’t count calories after you eat. Check the calories before you dive in and you may find it puts you off that extra chocolate chip cookie.

84. Keep a food diary. Seeing every morsel of food you’ve eaten in a single day written down can help you to see where you’re overdoing it, or reveal patterns or triggers to bad eating habits.

Lifestyle Tweaks

85. East five or six small meals or snacks daily. Eat less but more often to keep your metabolism moving. Stephanie Karl, nutritionist at the Dubai London Clinic, says, “It’s critical to eat smaller amounts more often. This way you avoid raising your blood sugar into the fat storage zone, which is actually caused by a surge of insulin usually from carbohydrate foods, caffeine and artificial sweeteners.”

86. Eat dinner no later than three hours before you go to bed. When you sleep, so does your digestive system, so if you eat a sandwich an hour before falling asleep, you’ll wake up in the morning with it undigested in your stomach. This often causes you to feel too full to manage breakfast, meaning you starve your body until lunch, having a detrimental effect on the rate of your metabolism.

87. Drink plenty of water every day. Dehydration is often mistaken for hunger, can lead to fatigue and slows down your metabolism.

88. Create a diet from foods you like, and substitute foods you don’t like included in set programmes. Often these are foods your body doesn’t process well. Identifying food intolerance with an elimination plan or test, can be very helpful.

89. Intimate, loving, ahem…horizontal physical exercise with your (legal) partner has been proven as one of the most effective ways to shift those calories. So get to it!

90. Don’t finish every last morsel on your plate, but leave a mouthful or two. This clever little trick means your host doesn’t offer to refill your plate, and you don’t feel tempted to go for seconds.

91. Do not skip meals. Your body will revert to starvation mode and store even the tiniest amount of fat content in what you subsequently eat, causing you to slow down your metabolism and put on weight.

92. Set small goals for yourself. Focus on losing two pounds at a time. The sense of achievement will spur you on to lose even more.

93. The UK’s University of Exeter studied effective weight loss techniques and concluded that cravings can be countered by a brisk walk. How very British.

94. Switch those weekly weigh-ins with a measure-in. Take the measurements of your bust, hips, waist and thighs as a more accurate reflection of how well you’re doing with your weight-loss plan.

95. Remember these four words and you won’t go wrong: Eat Less, Exercise More!

96. Focus on healthy eating, rather than just weight loss. Being happy and healthy is preferable to skinny and sick. You’ll thank us for this advice when you’re 80!

97. Visualise yourself at your target weight. If that’s hard, then cut out a picture of someone in a magazine that has a body shape that you can realistically achieve. Stick that picture on the fridge and everytime you reach for the ice cream you’ll be reminded of why you’re dieting.

98. Join a team. Group sports require more commitment and can be a much more fun and sociable way to get fit.

99. Write down three reasons why you want to lose weight. It’s the first and most important step. If you don’t know why you want something, it’s harder to achieve. Make sure your goals are positive and actionable, like “I want to look great in my swimwear on holiday”.

100. Don’t cheat yourself. You know that a frozen, breaded, fried prawn is not a healthy option. Be honest about what you’re eating and opt for the fresh, grilled prawns instead.

Good luck with your weight-loss plans from everyone here on the Ahlan! Live team.

10 Painless Ways to Lose Weight

Easy weight loss tips you can slip into your everyday life.
Painless weight loss? If you're desperately trying to squeeze in workouts and avoid your favorite high-calorie treats, it can seem like there's nothing pain-free about it.
Yet while eating healthier and slipping in exercise does take some work, it really doesn't have to require heroic effort. Making just a few simple lifestyle changes can pack a big weight loss punch over time.

WebMD spoke to weight loss experts and everyday people who've figured out a few painless ways to lose weight -- and keep it off. Here are their top tips on how to lose weight without sweating it too much.

1. Add, Don't Subtract

Forget diet denial: Try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting them.
Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes, or crunchy snow peas. Slip those favorite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal; add the veggies into soups, stews, and sauces.
"Adding in really works, taking away never does," says registered dietitian David Grotto, RD, LDN, author of 101 Optimal Life Foods, but do remember to keep an eye on overall calories. And don't forget to add in something physical, too, whether it's doing a few dance moves before dinner, shooting hoops, or taking a quick stroll.

2. Forget About Working Out

If the word "exercise" inspires you to creative avoidance, then avoid it. Maybe the trick to enjoying a workout may be to never call it working out.
"There's some truth to that," Grotto tells WebMD, and once you start your not-calling-it-exercise plan, Grotto says you'll discover "the way good health feels knocks down the roadblocks that were preventing you from exercising in the first place."
So burn calories and invigorate muscles by beachcombing, riding bikes, grass skiing, making snow angels, hiking, washing the car, playing Frisbee, chasing the dog around the yard, or even enjoying great sex. After all, a rose by any other name ...

3. Go Walking

Walking when the weather's nice is a super-easy way to keep fit, says Diane Virginias, a certified nursing assistant from New York. "I enjoy the seasons," she says, adding that even when she's short on time she'll go out for a few minutes. "Even a five minute walk is a five minute walk."
No sidewalks in your neighborhood? Try these tips for slipping in more steps:
  • Trade your power mower for a push version.
  • Park your car at the back of the lot.
  • Get out of the office building and enjoy walking meetings.
  • Sweep the drive or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf-blower.
  • Get off the bus a few stops earlier.
  • Hike the mall, being sure to hit all the levels.
  • Take the stairs every chance you get.
  • Sign up for charity walks.
  • Crank the music and get your heart rate up the next time you mop or vacuum.
It all adds up. If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes and try a few of these tips, you may find yourself with a low-impact, 30-minute workout easily tucked under your belt.

Motivational Weight Loss Tips

A large part of a good weight loss system should be dedicated to motivation. Motivation leads to greater dieting success.

After working all day, playing taxi cab driver for the kids, after school games or meetings with the teachers, where to you get the motivation to continue with a diet or to exercise?

Five ideas to help keep you motivated in your quest to lose weight.

1. Reward yourself but not with food. Do you like to read or have some other hobby? When you begin to think for every 5 pounds you drop, you will reward yourself with a gift, something you like other than food, it becomes something to look forward to.

2. Record your progress.
Keep track of your progress...use a spread sheet or diet and exercise journal. Write your achievements in a simple old notebook. Just write it down. You are more likely to stick to your diet plan if you can see where you came from and read about all the hard work you have done. If you walked 3 miles yesterday and walked off 300 calories, you would be less likely to indulge in a 300 calorie Suzy-Q. Remember it took 40 minutes to lose those calories and it will only take you a few minutes to down the Suzy Q. Keep track of what you have done.

3. Don't let other people stop you. They may be friends but this "one time won't hurt you" is not what you need to hear while trying to loss weight. Don't be anti-social, enjoy your friends but try to plan non-eating events with them. And stay away from the break room or bring a healthy snack to work so you can still enjoy your break and work buddies but remain on your diet.

4. Think positive and focus. Remind yourself of why you started this weight loss journey.
5. You've come a long way baby...remember that and why you started the way to healthier living.
Healthier living will help you:
  • Have more energy
  • Sleep better
  • Concentrate better and longer
  • Have more strength
  • Have better blood circulation
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Prevent Cancer
  • Breathe better
  • Live a longer life
These 5 motivational tips will help you through the hardest part of losing weight and keeping fit. Also, a support network, either family or a family member, a friend who really understands your goals or even
better, a diet system that provides all the tools you need to be a slimmer healthier you.

In life order...I'm a babyboomer, nurse, mother, and internet marketer. I don't diet but follow a system that is down to earth and works for me. For you? Don't know but there are many good systems and advice on the market. For guys too. Many men need to get rid of the man boobs and that Budweiser blister! Weight-Loss-Options
Article Source:

Natural Weight Loss Motivation

Your weight loss motivational recipe may well be missing some vital ingredients that bring fat loss success. Today, you will revisit or completely discover what makes losing weight an accurate, dependable, and enjoyable endeavor that you can repeat.

Losing weight is more than a guessing game; knowing that, you are on your way to fat loss achievement. Here are the motivational tools, tips, and tactics that respected, trustworthy non profit organizations recommend.

Support weight loss motivation with smart CALORIE choices: 1200, 1900, 2400... Which one do you currently consume?

Perform daily RECORD-KEEPING: For example, what do you write on your program list for Wednesday, at 2:00 PM?

Utilize the RESISTANCE TRAINING INCLUSION FACTOR (Weight Loss Resistance Exercise Component): This involves firming and maintaining your lean body tissue. Meaning, you should burn your fat only and not your muscle because lean tissue contains the cells that oxidize fat.

Regarding weight loss motivation, most body fat candidates mistakenly teach themselves to fear lifting weights. There exists the incorrect belief that it causes bulking. Set your weight loss records straight today by recording this fact...

To lose weight optimally, you need to perform TWO TYPES of exercise. One is for muscular tone and enough strength to carry out your exercise tasks. The other is for aerobic capacity - that is, increasing the strength of your heart, plus improving your body's ability to sustain overall exercise for far longer periods of time.

Quick burst, high intensity movement causes greater muscular strength; whereas, medium intensity movements done with lowered weight resistance FOR REALLY LONG UNINTERRUPTED TIME PERIODS is what completes your fat burning process aerobically.

This resistance weight loss component is a source of confusion and misunderstanding for thousands of individuals who want to lose body fat. It tends to curtail weight loss motivation by subtracting an important fat loss component.

MOTIVATION: The best solution for filling in your weight loss gaps and overcoming social, psychological, emotional obstacles is reassessing your REASONS for wanting to lose weight. This is the root of your motivational power, plus your source of emotional energy. You can instantly replenish this at will.

You possess a specialized weight loss motivational attribute called POSITIVE SELF TALK -- an accredited sport psychology principle that helps people in virtually all aspects of human movement, including weight loss achievement. Here is where you literally convince yourself that you can do reasonably anything that it takes, to lose weight.

Now, you can completely eliminate the words NOT or CANNOT from your mental vocabulary; replace them with phrases like I WILL DO, or I CAN ACHIEVE.

Losing body fat is not as difficult as some individuals believe. Reducing fat is the simple part. Yet, to keep it off is another story. As people encounter "yo-yo" weight gain experiences, it eventually becomes clear that a new strategy is well worth adopting.

Begin to analyze weight management as an art form and use the principles that make your efforts shine, to empower your weight loss motivation.

Author, Ken Dockins provides a concise yet informative Weight Loss Diet Products Review [], which includes the The Strip That Fat diet plan, at: Better-Body.Biz
Article Source:

look up the calories in your "supplements"

I am too lazy to look up the calories in your "supplements", but then you have been too lazy to list them. They are not exempt - they go into your calorie counting. You do count calories, right? Let's not be lazy about it :smile:

The general recipe for weight loss whilst retaining muscle mass (and in some cases even increasing it)

1) be in a calorie deficit, you should aim to lose up to 1% of your body weight per week (say 3lb a week at 300lb)

2) strength training to at least maintain your muscles

3) adequate protein intake aiming for 0.5g-1g of body weight (translates to 150g-300g for you). This is combined from both your food and your supplements (which are food, see point about calories above)

I strongly suggest calorie awareness - tracking your calories on a calorie-counting website, phone app or stand-alone computer program. (or a spreadsheet or you can do it with pen and paper)

One exception to that "rule" would be to eat super-healthy as in the graphic below, but bear in mind you will have to modify it by "supplementing" with extra lean protein and/or Whey protein to reach protein goals mentioned above

Grow Muscles With Whey Protein Isolates

By Jacob Russell

A lot of people are questioning how celebs, especially the guys, get their bodies fit and ripped for categorical roles. Some people even speculate that it can take only a few months for these stars to reach their great physiques due to growth hormones and tablets. this is not always the situation especially for stars who need to do it the completely natural way.

Getting a fit and healthy body already takes lots of effort and time, so getting it ripped and muscle-bound would take longer. It could be possible to hasten the process , but this can at last lead to muscle degeneration if all of the hormonal tablets are taken out of one's diet. What you've got to know is there are nutritious and healthy additions that can help you get ripped and look great. But you want to pass some time in going to the gym and workout those muscles so as to achieve your required goal.

One of the things which most male celebs do is follow a protein-laden diet particularly when they also are doing high-intensity exercise programs. These blokes definitely need all the energy and protein in building muscles. They also need around 1000-3000 calories per day if they are doing cardio and weight lifting for a while. Burning these calories off with intake of whey protein isolates help in improving metabolism and strength.

Of course, you cannot skip on meals. It is even advised that you eat six times or even more each day in order to fuel up your body for those intense workouts. These meals should consist of healthy food like skinless chicken or turkey, potatoes, brown rice, veg, and fruits. For whey protein isolates, you are able to add the advised does in your fruit shakes to help replenish your body during workouts.

You may also take protein shakes at least 30 minutes before doing cardio exercises such as jogging for thirty mins to an hour or doing laps in the pool. For muscle-builders who have high metabolic activity, it's also recommendable to take protein shakes around ninety minutes before going to bed. Even vegetarians can get a lot of benefits from this kind of supplement since they are not eating red meat and their supply of protein can reduce as a result.

These combos of whey protein isolates, tasty food, and regular exercise programs can surely help increase your muscles and energy. It's best if your work activities involve a professional trainer if you are serious about building muscles and improving your strength.

About the Author:

Tips To Follow When Working Out - How To Be Healthy

By Harold Ryan

Being physically fit is not that hard - there are many options that are available to you. Individual exercises are very plentiful, with too many to choose from in most cases. With many different types of workout routines to choose from, you can try a new one every day. Varieties of fitness gurus are also available for you to learn from. The problem is that all of these different things and people seem to be contradictory.

Physical fitness approaches can be hard to discern, especially in regard to which one will work for you. As long as you're healthy, and make a choice that promotes your physical fitness, this is the choice you should make. Keep reading to learn some things you can do to make sure that your workout is as healthy as it can possibly be. One tip you can always use is to never work out with your abdominal muscles more than once every other day. Just like every other muscle in your body, abdominal muscles need downtime.

The rest allows the muscles to repair themselves quickly. The appearance of your muscles may be lacking, especially if you overtax them during each workout. In fact, it can actually make your muffin top bigger because you'll be building muscle faster than you are burning fat. Always protect your neck muscles. Exercises and safety for your neck are not issues that are generally discussed even though arm and leg safety are discussed in great detail. A great thing to do is to keep your tongue at the roof of your mouth in order to promote personal safety. The reason you do this is to make sure next is aligned properly. This will help you maintain a safe and healthy neck and prevent muscle strain.

Be sure to stretch out your muscle groups after a workout. It is important that you take your time, not moving from one exercise to the next. There should be some stretching in between. The growth of muscles is actually increased quite a bit if you routinely stretch your muscles after each workout. If your muscles can cool down and the repair process can begin, muscle growth will be maximized. The short break between the best exercise bike workouts also gives you a moment to rest, catch your breath and focus more on the workout that you're doing. Get a drink and walk around a little bit. Just remember breaks are good.

Getting fit, and staying fit, is a complex thing to do and achieve. There is a lot of conflicting advice, and most of it is wasteful information that you do not need. The goal is to focus on something that will keep you healthy, and help you improve in regard to fitness by doing exercise routines that actually work. Hopefully, the tips in this article will help you find a fitness routine that is beneficial for you.

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Your Weight Loss Diet

Weight watchers, don't fear; weight loss diets are here! Losing weight has been made easy by the different weight loss methods that have been introduced, including diets. Diets make it easier for people to reduce fat and weight without tiring themselves out with arduous exercises. This is why a lot of people prefer to diet and simply cut back on fattening food to get thinner and lighter.

Weight loss diet programs come in a variety of forms, so people who are trying to lose weight will not find it hard to find a diet routine that they can easily conform to. A popular weight loss diet is the low-carbohydrate diet that lessens a person's calorie intake. Most foods that contain carbohydrates have high amounts of calories. These calories may be converted into fats when not utilized and burned. In low-carb diets, the consumption of calories is being regulated by requiring the weight loser to eat foods that are low in carbs or to consume fewer servings of carbohydrate-rich foods. This kind of fat loss diet usually consists of dairy products, like milk and cheese, and does not constitute carbohydrate foods such as rice, bread, and potatoes. The diet promotes weight loss by satisfying a person's hunger with food that is heavy on the stomach.

The liquid diet is also one of the fads in dieting nowadays. People who undergo this weight loss diet have to regularly drink beverages that raise their energy levels and reduce their appetite and cravings. Weight loss drinks have properties that can make people feel full for several hours. Consequently, they would not tend to eat much after drinking the beverages. In addition, energy levels increase upon consumption of these weight loss liquids, prompting people to move and go around a lot and burning unwanted fats. Liquid diets are usually recommended to people who are excessively overweight and those who have just undergone a weight loss surgery.

Another weight loss diet that many weight watchers stick to is the vegetarian diet. Aside from contributing to weight reduction, the vegetarian diet actually promotes good health. This diet consists mostly of fruits and vegetables. These components are high in vitamins and fiber that aid in digestion and cleanse the stomach. This fat loss diet also follows a "no-meat" rule, so a vegetarian can get his daily dose of protein from tofu or nuts. Many people are fond of vegetarian diets because these effectively enable them to slim down. At the same time, this kind of diet makes the body and skin very healthy. It also prevents the risk of developing deficiencies, as the diet's main components have all the necessary vitamins and minerals that the body needs.
With weight loss programs, people who want to reduce weight need not worry anymore. They will surely realize that achieving their dream figure is actually easy. There are a huge number of diet programs to choose from, so you will be sure to find one that you will enjoy in the long run. With these diets, you will be less than a step away to becoming slim and getting the gorgeous body you desire.

Get access to your FREE video series on how to diet properly and thus lose weight the healthy way by visiting

Alternatively check out my blog on how to diet healthily at
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Weight Loss Diet - 6 Powerful Weight Loss Diet Tips

Everyone knows that most people would like to lose weight, but most don't seem to know the best way to lose weight. To start seeing differences, you have to make some changes in your habit and lifestyle.
Let me share a few very vital weight loss statistics Before I start:

- 64 percent of people in the United States are overweight - Obesity is responsible for 325,000 deaths every year. Alright as you can see Weight Management is a huge Problem in the United States, So we are constantly searching for that miracle drug to help us with weight loss diet.

You may not want to hear, it but it's true - there is no magic spell when it comes to losing weight. However, there are some things that you can do in order to lose fat as quickly as possible.

Here are Six great weight loss tips:

If you favour the traditional route of diet and exercise, then the following tips given below should work greatly to help with weight lose diet:-

1. Eliminate Eating Junk Food.
Most of your efforts to reduce your weight will be unsuccessful of you are unable resist eating junk and processed foods. These primarily consist of fast foods and snack foods such as burgers, pizza, fries, potato chips etc. All of these foods offer very poor nutritional value and it consequently makes no sense at all to carry on eating them. Keep in mind - you will not be able to physically improve on an insufficient diet. You must look carefully at the contents of your cupboard, fridge and freezer and make certain that you switch all sugary and greasy foods with nourishing, healthy alternatives.

2. Drink a Lot of Water- Although you may have heard it over and over again, it is really true. Drinking water not only replenishes your system but also promotes weight loss. How is that possible? Well, as we all know, water is a fluid that directly passes your colon, so drinking water can flush away those toxins and unwanted fats. Drink at least 8 glasses a day for best results.

Water is essential to life and a healthy body. Dehydration will wreak havoc on you and your fitness goals. If you are dehydrated your body cannot function at its optimal level. For example, your muscles will loose strength, you won't burn fat as quickly, and you'll feel tired and fatigued.

3. Reduce the Size of Your Portions-
You should eat five or six small portions each day at regular intervals of about 4 - 5 hours. This will aid appetite suppression and boost your rate of metabolism, causing you to burn additional fat without the need for too much physical effort.

4. Lower Your Calorie Consumption Without Deprivation. Do this by steadily reducing the amount of calories that you get through by a small quantity each day. This will tot up very quickly, but be aware that you will not start to lose weight until you reach the point at which you are expending a more calories than you eat each day. This incremental approach will help to cut down snacking and binging, which would clearly put you straight back where you began.

5. You Want to Start Exercising Regularly-
This doesn't need to be anything excessive, but simply put: working out is almost certainly the most effective way to lose weight and enhance your general heath. Diets by themselves may assist you with losing some weight, but they are not able to improve your stamina, physical fitness, flexibility, mental state and help you achieve numerous other benefits in the way that regular exercise can.

Additionally, exercise is another technique to increase your metabolism, which, once more, helps you to burn off additional fat in less time.

6. Sleep Well- Practice a Good Night Sleep
Sleeping is a favorite quick weight loss tip since it is one of the most effortless. Do not understand the power of having enough sleep. It is vital to your overall weight loss plan. Medical research has proven that sleep deprivation would induce hunger, and improve appetite. This often results in excessive eating. Likewise, having sufficient sleep of at least 8 hours helps to bring a balance to the leptin level and aids weight loss.
There you have the Building block to A Permanent Weight Loss.

There are many ways in which an individual can choose to lose weight. The problem is that diet, and exercise alone for some people still isn't enough, and may leave them struggling to reach their weight loss goals. For many people changing their diet, exercising, and taking nutritional supplements or weight loss products in combination can be the perfect answer to lose weight.

One such supplement is acai for weight loss. Acai is a form of berry that is found in the Amazon, and holds tremendous antioxidant properties. It is also used to increase energy levels, and to improve digestive health. Acai can also help to prevent free radical damage, and diseases like cancer, heart disease, and premature aging. It's the combination of all of these benefits that make acai for weight loss a great option for individuals who need extra assistance.

Acai for weight loss in conjunction with good eating habits, and an exercise routine can be a fast, and healthy way to lose weight. For many, speeding up the process in which they lose weight can help them to feel motivated, and offer them the confidence that they need in order to make the entire weight loss process an easy mental endeavor to embark upon.

One such weight loss product that uses acai is called Acai Berry Select. This is actually offered as a free trial, and is a great way to improve health, and also help to promote healthy weight loss.

Acai berry select can help you lose weight when used as part of a diet and exercise routine-Acai berry contains huge amounts of antioxidants that help to flush the body of toxins, and is most likely the healthiest supplement on the market today.-Acai berry select helps you "lose weight and flush the pounds"

Thanks to a great mixture of healthy weight loss ingredients Acai Berry Select is our top choice for an Acai berry weight loss supplement

My name is Maria Avalos and since 1992 I have been helping people just like you lose weight and create a wonderful revolution in their lives.

If you are truly serious about losing weight please make sure to read every word on this page. Then go ahead and get some Weight loss Diet Supplement.

To read more on Weight Loss Diet Tips and Strategies visit our site @ Weight loss Diet Fast.
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Weight Loss Challenge That Works in 30 Days

If you are planning to try out weight loss to see if it works in 30 days and also maintain a fit and healthy body, you must always try to follow a balanced lifestyle and dietary exercises. The truth is that appropriate exercises and workouts under a personal trainer will help you to follow the right procedures of exercises - without causing any harm to your body. The quicker you burn calories, the more you reduce weight. Then the more improvements you will see. Depending on the capability and weight of your body, personal fitness trainers will help you to follow a proper diet and an effective plan for doing work outs and exercises.

There are myths behind any method that works in 30 days. But the truth is that if you start doing regular exercises in a proper way for a limited amount of time (and with proper procedures) there is nothing that would prevent you from losing your weight and achieving a more desired body. There are also programs which are run by the professionals, but the best option is to try get your work outs under a registered and certified fitness trainer. There is no need for drug supplements or plastic surgery to make you look as beautiful as a celebrity - following the plans of weight loss that works in 30 days will serve your purpose.
Reducing your fat, burning calories and exercising your muscles can be the most effective ways of reducing fat in 30 days. Changing your lifestyle, removing your boredom and increasing your stamina and interest with certain exercises and following a balanced diet can help you get transformed in 30 days. If you can do the exercises on a regular basis then your body will get rid of the extra fat, calories and toxins which are some of the major causes behind your weight gain. Therefore, you will need to drink plenty of fresh water, avoid alcohol and junk foods, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and follow a balanced diet according to your trainer's advice.

On the other hand, starting with small scale exercises such as walking, running, skipping, jogging, cycling etc. can be of good use. You can then proceed with the workouts under a personal fitness trainer who will guide you to weight loss that can show results in 30 days. If you can lose your weight within 30 days, you will find that your stamina and energy will have increased, your boredom and obesity will go away and you will be gaining more immunity in your bodily system. For this reason, the resistance training under a fitness instructor can be one of the effective choices for weight loss that works in 30 days.



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The Leading Buns and Thighs Workouts for Women

By Joseph Robinson

Many women want to lose fat from their buns and thighs and to tone these regions up. Some women find it more challenging to tone their lower body than to tone their upper body. While any form of regular exercise will help with this goal, there are workouts that are more effective at targeting these areas. It takes patience and persistence, but the following exercises will help you see the desired results.

Lunges will help work out the front part of your thighs. This exercise can be done with or without weights. Start this exercise by standing with your feet about shoulder width apart. You can do this exercise with or without weights. Then step one leg forward in a long stride, while keeping your back straight and inhaling. Shifting your weight to your front leg, slowly bend your knee. Your rear knee bend, going straight down, but only go as low as you can without straining. Exhaling, return to the starting position, pushing up with the front leg. While working to increase the number of reps you can do, remember to do the same amount on each leg.

Vigorous dancing provides a good cardio workout while also being a fun and effective way to tone your buns and thighs. Classes based on Latin, hip hop, Zumba, and other types of dance are easily found. Dancing works all different muscle groups and allows you to tone your body while working up a sweat and burning calories. For those that don't have the time for a class, there are many DVDs available to use in the comfort of your home. Dancing with a group with music playing can be more motivating and inspiring, however.

Deadlights are a powerful exercise for strengthening your body and your legs, buns and back in particular. Every bodybuilder has been doing this basic weightlifting exercise for a long time. Using a barbell, you simply bend down and pick it up while keeping your back as straight as possible. While you want to build up your strength, when you start doing this exercise be careful not to strain your back. Use an amount of weight that you can lift for a set of ten repetitions and build up the number of sets you do.

The bodybuilding ideas for toning the thighs and buns that we've looked at here are just a few of the best exercises you can do to burn fat and strengthen these areas. Don't get discouraged if you have a hard time making progress; try varying your workouts every few weeks. Such as running, jogging and having a bike tour routine are a big help because each exercise uses the muscle groups in a slightly different way.

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Weight Loss Diary

A weight loss diary is a book or log that you keep to help track and monitor progress of your exercise and weight loss program. They can be as simple as how much exercise you do a day, or your weight once a week, or as detailed as noting every meal you consume during the day including how many calories each meal consists of. No matter how simple or detailed your diary is, it will help you significantly when trying to shed the pounds.

Begin by deciding on how detailed your diary will be. This comes down to personal preference, and how much time you have to dedicate to the diary. If you have 15 minutes a day, make it as detailed as possible. If you dedicate 15 minutes a week, you will make it simple. You don't need a dairy as such to take notes in; even a simple exercise book will work just fine.

The next step is to decide what you will monitor. As a bare minimum, you must monitor your weight progress, that's the whole point of the diary! The next thing I would recommend monitoring is how much exercise you do each day. Not just walking all day at work, but extra exercise you do that you have started as part of your weight loss regimen. Then finally note your food intake. This can also be simple or detailed. You may wish to write down how often you ate a snack between meals and what that was, how often you had take-away during the week etc. Ideally you would want to write down a rough estimate of how many calories each meal consists of and totals for each day.

Once you have begun using the diary, we can look back and start to analyze the results. This is a great way to visually see that when you eat certain foods, and exercise a certain amount, you lose X amount of weight. There is no better motivational tool than keeping a weight loss diary. You may have been extra careful one week with eating, exercised 2 or 3 more days than normal, and when you see you have lost an extra 5 pounds this week, you will be motivated to do it all again next week.

Hi my name is Susan, I have recently discovered new fast way to lose weight and would like to share my story with you.

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5 Permanent Weight Loss Programs That Will Make You Slim and Elegant

What you are about to learn to achieve your desired weight will be unlike any diet or weight loss programs you have tried before. I am going to give you five critical steps that you can use to achieve and maintain lasting weight loss.

Each step of this weight loss program is an upward climb, and if you fail to follow the steps, you'll start rolling back to where you started. Even if you go through two, or three, or four of the five, you will be sucked right back to where you started, or worse. But if you make your way through all the five steps, at the end of your journey everything you've ever wanted for yourself will be attained.

1. Right Thinking

In order to overcome your weight challenges, you have to first know exactly where you are starting, where you are now with your weight struggles, everything you do, which is called your personal truth. So, for a successful weight loss program, you must change your thinking to change your weight. Get rid of self-defeating thoughts, believe that you will succeed. And you will have mastered the first key necessary to overcome your weight problem.

2. Healing Feeling

The second key to successful weight loss program is healing feelings. Many people eat as a way to medicate themselves, usually in response to negative emotions such as anger, guilt, loneliness, stress or boredom. We also eat in response to positive emotions, such as happiness and joy.

And in doing so, we use food as a form of celebration which will make us add weight. So learn how to break the cycle of over-eating in response to emotions and stress. You will not be able to lose weight unless you stop emotional eating.

3. A No-Fail Environment

The third step unlocks the door to external control, the ability to shape, design and manage your environment so that it is virtually impossible for you to fail during your weight loss program. You will concentrate on your personal life that includes everything from your home to your office. You will focus on the area that must be ''cleaned up'' in order to minimize opportunities that invite needless snacking and over-eating.

4. Exercise

Exercise is counted as one of the top lifestyle factors to help you lose weight and keep it off for good. Prioritize exercise in your life. But the problem is that most people on weight loss programs do not have time for exercise.

If this description fits you, be assured that you will not spend endless hours in a gym or train to become Olympic athletes to lose weight; quite the contrary. It could be climbing stairs rather than take an elevator for about one hour a week, brisk walking, jogging, running, biking or swimming for at least two to three hours a week. There is no way you can control and lose weight permanently without exercise.

5. Your Circle Support

Finally, for you to have a successful weight loss program, you need to be in a circle of people who will encourage you and provide the accountability you need to achieve your weight loss goal. If you want to truly lose weight, then you must try your best to surround yourself with a group of like- minded people who want you to lose weight. With these people in your life; your supporters, the more likely you are to succeed in your weight loss program.

Are you over-weight and have been fighting it for years? If you are fed up with failing, you can decide to change all that right now by visiting this site for more information.

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How To Eliminate Leg Stretch Marks - Top 8 Treatments

By Sean T Saunders

A common skin condition for people that have put on a lot of weight rapidly or have grown fast is the development of stretch mark scars. You probably are one of them if you are a pregnant women, an adolescent passing through a pubescent growth spurt, a body builder who has been bulking up or somebody who is getting overweight through consumption of high fat unhealthy diet. Any of these reasons can cause you to develop stretch marks on lower limbs, buttocks, abdomen and the upper torso. For many people stretch marks on legs are some of the more noticeable ones as they are often not covered by clothes.

1. Shed Weight, Shed Stretch Marks: Women who have delivered a baby recently often find that a simple solution to solve their stretch marks on legs, abdomen and buttocks is shed the surplus weight that they gained in the course of their pregnancy. This can be achieved through use of regular exercise and eating a healthy, low calorie diet. People who have stretch marks as a consequence of being overweight can also make use of this solution.

2. Eating Healthier Strengthens Your Skin: An important holistic remedy for stretch marks or any skin problem is to consume a well-balanced and nutritious diet. The body requires a large amount of fatty acids and antioxidants from food to ensure that the skin can safeguard itself against damage causing toxic impurities and free radical molecules. Beneficial foods that supply the nourishment which the skin needs so as to protect and repair itself are things like fresh fruits and vegetables, oily fish varieties such as tuna and products made from whole grains.

3. Supplements For Stronger Skin: A nutritional supplement taken daily will make sure that some vitamins and minerals that can be difficult to get from food are available for the skin.

4. Drinking Water Keeps Your Skin Strong: Healthy skin needs to be well hydrated so it remains stretchy and supple, therefore drinking plenty of water every day is important.

5. Exercises To Get Rid of Stretch Marks: You may use regular stretching exercises to help soften accumulated scar tissue in your stretch marks. These workouts will burn off calories and even firm and tone your muscle tissues while improving nutrient delivery to the skin by increasing blood circulation.

6. Remove Stretch Marks with Massage: Body massage will help to reduce and remove stretch marks in two ways. The massaging action intensifies the flow of blood within your body and this means that your skin is going to receive better nourishment. The force which is exerted by the masseuse on to the skin layers can also help by softening the scarred tissue inside the stretch marks so it can be removed.

7. Remove Your Stretch Marks with Exfoliation: Exfoliating the skin layers to remove a thin layer of the surface will reduce accumulated scar tissue within stretch marks and can, in due course, remove them altogether. Doing this also cleans all of the detritus and dead skin cells from the skin to ensure that it can breathe better and is more flexible and supple in texture.

8. Start Using High Quality Lotions & Creams: Many varieties of natural and holistic essential oils, creams and lotions are available that have been proven to be efficient, safe and inexpensive ways to get rid of stretch marks anywhere on the body including the legs. These herbal creams can moisturize the skin layers for improved suppleness and flexibility, exfoliate scar tissue and help to revitalize the skin if they contain natural body skin proteins such as elastin and collagen.

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Strategies to Help Women Maintain Their Fitness Motivation

By Brian Feather

There seems to be distinct stages of fitness motivation that women go through. Even if you have been dedicated to your fitness workouts for years, you can still have times when you may get bored. Your motivation may be suffering from a case of familiarity breeding contempt. The more knowledge you accumulate as you stick with your program, the better able you will be to handle the ups and downs of staying motivated. Use the following strategies to help you keep your motivation high.

While it may seem obvious why people work out, the fact is there are quite a few reasons that can be factors. These factors can overlap, but that's not what's important here. Our own reasons are personal and important to us -you and me. You can help yourself stay motivated to keep up your fitness regimen by never losing sight of why. So ask yourself why you decided to start a fitness program, or exercise several times per week. This provides you with an excellent way to keep your focus and stay motivated. This also has to do with focusing on your goals, which are a great incentive to keep going. When you do that, you will always find the self-motivation to stay the course.

Health, fitness, and working out are highly personal areas for everyone. So it makes sense that our challenges to stay motivated will also be personal. This means that we need to find our own way of dealing with this issue. It makes sense that the solution to an individual problem be personal as well. Your inspiration and motivation need to come from something that means the most to you personally. It doesn't matter if it's health-related, or if it concerns your physical appearance.

There are many reasons why a person may feel a lack of motivation, but sometimes you feel like you're in a rut or simply burned out. Life being what it is, it's not always possible to foresee or prevent every possible problem or challenge. So many times we just keep working toward our goals, time flies, and before you know it something is wrong. If you suspect that you are experiencing such a situation with your fitness program like having a cycling bike workout, then simply take a short break.

Give yourself some breathing room and figure out what's been going on. You may very well find that taking a week or so off provides you with a new outlook. Sports psychologists recognize the issue of fitness motivation for women because we have different needs and considerations. There is nothing implied about better or anything like that with regard to men, just different. So our approaches to maintaining a positive and healthy state of mind have to take such differences into consideration. It can help you with your motivation issues if you research what other women do to keep their focus and motivation high.

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Weight Loss Success Through Exercise, Diet, And Fat Burning Pills

Weight loss represents a very important health concern for a large number of individuals, as levels of obesity grow almost everywhere in the world. When looking into the opportunities that exist with losing weight, there are many options an individual can take advantage of, when trying to accomplish this goal in the most efficient manner possible. Determining the best solutions to assist you in your pursuit will help you to not only achieve your goals, but achieve them quickly. When considering the options that are available to you, look into the possibilities that exist with exercise, diet, fat burning pills, or a combination of the three.


When looking at the opportunities that exist with weight loss, one of the most effective resources you can turn to is found with the utilization of exercise. This healthy habit helps to increase your heart rate, as well as boost your metabolism, so you can burn through the fat and calorie depositories found throughout your body. The more often you are able to take advantage of the opportunities that exist with exercise, the greater the possibility created to achieve your goals in a shorter timeframe.


One of the most popular resources that individuals try to take advantage of, when pursuing the goal of losing weight, is found with identifying a dieting solution. There are a wide variety of different dieting plans individuals seek to take advantage of, when trying to accomplish greater health. Finding a specific diet plan that meets your health related needs, can prove beneficial to not only improving total health, but help you reach your weight loss goal faster. However, choosing a diet plan that is not ideal to your situation will often create poor results and the eventual failure of your weight loss efforts.

Fat burning pills

While there are no shortcuts to capture the opportunity of losing weight, there are resources you can seek to utilize to help increase your opportunities for success. By making the smart investment into a resource such as fat burning pills, you will be able to take advantage of a product that is specifically designed to help your body burn through fat depositories. Fat is the most difficult element to eliminate, with the weight loss effort, so utilizing a product that will assist you in accomplishing this primary goal can prove highly beneficial.

While each of these opportunities provide a resource an individual can take advantage of when trying to lose weight, the greatest possibility is the combination of diet, exercise, and fat burning pills, in order to achieve your goals in the quickest period of time.

All of these opportunities utilized individually or together, can offer you a tremendous possibility to lose weight and achieve your greater goal of health.

If each of these advantages appeal to your interests then learn more by taking the time to discover your own Capsiplex review. Identify the best opportunity to identify these reviews and expand your understanding of the potential that exists with fat burning products, take the time to visit

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Weight Loss Success Stories to Motivate You

Expert Author Katie V AdamsLosing weight is one of the hardest goals to achieve. There are so many reasons to want to lose weight. Whether it's to improve your health or simply fit is a smaller sized dress for your wedding, the goal is easier to set than to achieve. If your body has a low metabolism then getting rid of those extra pounds will require a great amount of effort on your part. Through time people have tried so many different ways of losing weight. There are diet plans that promise instant success - diet pills, surgery and so on. Out of these different methods you are bound weight loss success stories that will motivate people to try the method out.

There may be a certain view that the majority of the people who want to lose weight are women, but men also set similar goals. The reasons may be different but the goal is still the same. A good example of weight loss success stories from men includes that of Kris. Throughout his childhood, Kris was overweight. He was unable to do certain activities and would always feel tired. Kris wanted to join the high school football team but in order to do that he had to lose the weight and gain some muscle. So he joined the gym and start lifting weights. He combined this with some cardio workouts that helped him burn off the fat. Kris started to see results in his energy levels within two weeks but it took him 6 months to move from 230 pounds to 180pounds losing 50 pounds in total. Other than exercising Kris also improved his diet by eating healthy, getting rid of sweets, fast foods and junk from his diet. Since losing weight Kris is much more energetic, he joined the football team, sleeps better and is generally healthier.

Brenda, a mother of three set out on her journey to lose weight when she was 54 years old. Already used to cooking large meals due to her family of 5, it was hard to cook for less when her kids moved out. For Brenda, her health was the main reason she wanted to lose weight. Being overweight stopped her from joining in family activities such as hill climbing or simply going for walks. After attending her son's graduation and struggling to fit into the seats, she decided it was time to shed off that extra weight. Brenda had tried several diets before but she always thought of them negatively which hindered any progress. She made a calorie food diary where she would keep track of what she ate; she also set weight loss goals for herself. For example she would start by working out for 10 minutes a day using a simple workout DVD and increase it every other week. She also reduced the portions of food that she ate. Instead of eating a cheese sandwich before dinner, Brenda would take something healthier like fruit. Brenda who weighed 18st was able to lose 6st and now weighs 12st. She is happy with her current weight and is amazed at how great she feels.

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Quick Tips for Your Weight Loss Success

Facts at your fingertips

• Know your BMI. Your BMI, or body mass index, is a way to gauge whether your weight is healthy, and knowing your number can help you determine whether or not you need to lose weight. The simple calculation takes into account both your height and weight, which is why most experts consider this a better guideline than the old "ideal body weight" tables.

• Look to your resources. Information can be your weight-loss ally. Find answers to your questions, locate medical specialists, or do some research into permanent, healthy weight loss. Surf the web, pick up some new books, or check out a videos.

• Is medication right for you? Maybe. For people who are clinically obese and have unsuccessfully tried to lose weight before, prescription drugs may help. In particular, drugs are an option to consider when a weight problem is compounded by other health conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Talk to your doctor; to get more information on weight-loss drugs right now.

• Know an apple from a pear. People tend to put on weight in certain places. Some of us accumulate fat around the middle -- an apple shape. Others gain pounds around the hips and lower body -- think of a pear. In general, being pear-shaped brings less health risks than looking like an apple.

Lifestyle changes

• Make healthy choices the rule. The decisions you make all day and all week have an impact on your weight. Simple changes such as swapping lunch with a friend for an exercise date and always bringing a pair of walking shoes whenever you travel can turn you into a naturally lean person.

• Plan ahead for successful weight loss. Losing weight doesn't just happen. Planning ahead -- from choosing a meaningful start date to getting a physical exam and learning to counter would-be diet saboteurs -- makes the best weight-loss strategy even better.

• Add some activity. There's no getting around it: if you need to lose weight, you need to get moving. Changing your eating habits alone just isn't enough. And the benefits of moderate exercise are pretty impressive. Simply increasing the amount of activity you get every day can improve your sex life, lower your risk of stroke, and even improve your memory.

• Make your own way to weight loss. Instead of constant dieting, stop and listen to yourself. You may find that outside of the dieting mindset, food can be a friend instead of an enemy. Jean Antonello did just that and lost 30 pounds, which she has never gained back.

Take active steps

• Don't "diet." Most of the eating plans referred to as "diets" aren't designed for long-term weight loss. If you want to slim down for good, think of eating in a whole new way. For example, focus on what you can eat, instead of what you can't. And aim for gradual success rather than overnight skinniness.

• Stay the course when dining out. Don't let restaurant dining be an excuse to throw in the towel. Choose from cuisines that are typically lower in fat such as Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese. Opt for vegetarian dishes, or order grilled fish instead of steak. And ask waiters about "hidden" high-calorie ingredients such as cheese, oil, or butter.

• Institute a ban on all excuses. We've all made excuses for avoiding exercise, eating that last cookie, or putting off weight loss for "just one more week." Unfortunately, rationalizing won't get you any closer to your goal.

• Get the facts on weight-loss supplements. Drugstore shelves overflow with tempting weight-loss aids promising a quick fix to your extra five or 10 pounds. But not all commercial supplements aimed at weight loss are effective -- or safe. Protect your health by choosing wisely, and get the facts before swallowing any pill or drinking any tea.

• Aim for your optimal heart rate during exercise. When working out, you'll want to keep your number of heartbeats within a certain range -- too low means you're not working hard enough, too high is too strenuous. Get the most from exercise, safely.

• Head off childhood obesity. Overweight kids are likely to become overweight adults. Parents can help by gauging portion sizes, offering healthy snacks, and encouraging activity.

For more information on weight loss, obesity and lifestyle changes you can visit following link, Weight Loss
Stay fit = Stay Healthy

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Six Simple Steps To Become A Weight Loss Success Story

Expert Author Dr Jeff BanasOK, you're fat. You are ready to make the diet, exercise and lifestyle changes to finally lose weight and keep it off. But where do you begin? I am going to list six simple things you can do right now to start losing weight and becoming weight loss success story.

1) Sign Up For An Event, TODAY.

This doesn't have to be an Ironman. Sign up for a sprint triathlon, a 5K run, a fun walk, anything. Just sign up for an event. Studies have show that people who do this are more likely to follow through with their goals. If you set a goal of losing 20 pounds by a specific date, that either happens or it doesn't. If you do not make the 20 pounds, you go "Oh Well lets try to lose weight 20 pounds in another two months." However, if you sign up for an event, that event is going to happen even if you don't drop the weight. You do the event, you have fun doing it, and you see there are a lot of people just like you who are trying to lose weight and you feel the sense of accomplishment.

When you sign up for an event, it also changes your mind set. You are not just training and exercising to lose weight; you are training and exercising because you are doing an event in three months.

So, today, start your journey to becoming SUPERHUMAN and sign up for an event.

2) Start Adding Healthy Foods Before Avoiding Foods

More than likely, if you are over weight, you are not giving your body the "good nutrition" it needs. By adding "good nutrition" into your diet (healthy vitamins, mineral, fiber, etc) your body will be better prepared to start avoiding the "bad" foods.

3) Small Daily and Weekly Goals.

If you suddenly total change the way you are eating and exercising, you might not be able to stick with it. There, set daily and weekly goals or "home work assignments" for you to do and WRITE THEM DOWN.
These can be as simple as, instead of drinking 4 sodas a day, I will only drink 2. That's it. Can you do that? Only drink 2? Sure you can. So focus on that. Then when you are only drinking 2 a day, change the goal to I soda a day. Do this with you exercise and your nutrition.

4) Start Taking Probiotics

According to a study performed by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "Twelve weeks of consuming a fermented milk product containing the Lactobacillus strain was associated with a 4.6 per cent reduction in abdominal fat... "

Probiotics are live bacteria that are beneficial to the human body. It is a fermented product that deliver a dose of healthy bacteria. They are produced by the action of lactic acid bacteria and yeast or the combination of both.

5) Move!

Believe it or not you do now have to exercise to lose weight, but you do have to move. Set your watch alarm to go off every 45 min and when it does, MOVE. Do some air squats, walk around, do a few push up, a few jumping jacks, just move.

6) Its OK FAIL.

Let's be honest, some days you are going to fail. You will eat like crap and you will not more or do any of your exercises. So what! Don't beat yourself up. Just brush it off and try to better the next day. Everyone who has lost weight and kept it off failed at sometime. The reason they were successful at losing weight, was because they never gave up.

So never give up, never give up. Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it. Just start a new day and never give up.

Dr. Jeff Banas is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, a Weight Loss and Endurance Coach, and a seven time Ironman Triathlon Finisher. Dr Banas personally lost over 60 pounds and now help others lose weight and trainer for endurance sports. He can be reach by his website at for information about his nutrition and coaching services. 480-633-6837

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5 Tips For Weight Loss Success

I have been told numerous times that weight loss is not the problem. The problem is keeping the weight off. This is caused by returning to your old life style of habits that put weight back on you.
If you want to be successful at weight loss, then you must learn to change your old habits that put weight on you to start. I know, it's easier said than done, but this is the beginning of the secrets to weight loss. You can loose weight and you can keep it off and not allow it to come back.

Here are five tips:

1.) The first tip is Motivation. It has been proven over and over that those you begin their weight loss program have motivation as their key. It is a must in weight loss. Those that have motivation in their desire to loose weight are the ones that can do it.

2.) Eat Breakfast is the second tip. By eating breakfast, this gets your metabolism going and lets your body in on the fact that you want a change in your life. Also it will keep you from having cravings that you can not over come during the rest of the day.

3.) Weigh every day is the third tip. This allows you to know where you are in losing weight and will help you in knowing how much you can eat. This is a healthy tracking method and works well for many people.
4.) Exercise is the fourth tip. This seems so simple, and it seems that most people should have known this already. But you will be surprised in what people know and what people do. By exercising only 15 - 20 minutes a day will be a great beginning. Exercising more as your body gets use to it is something you must do.

5.) The final tip is getting support. Studies have shown that those who get support on their weight loss program do better than those who don't. The big thing about support is that it keeps you accountable and this goes a long way. It's hard to loose weight by yourself and having a support team behind you is a big help.
There are many things you may do to loose weight, but here are a few tips in losing weight. I know we all want to loose weight and not gain it back. These five steps above will definitely get you started and hopefully keep weight off of YOU.

Losing weight and keeping it off is a struggle. Support is a key in loosing weight and keeping it off.
This support can come from It is the Ideal Fitness System.

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Lose Weight By Saying No to the Foods Which Harm Your Body, Your Mental State and Your Waistline

All you have to do to lose weight is to exercise self-discipline in how much you eat, as well as get rid of the bad and increase the good. That's it really. Here's what you should toss from your daily diet in order to improve your overall health.

Turn Your Back on Processed Foods

If you can just get rid of the processed foods in your diet, you will be well on your way to achieving your weight loss goals, and peak health, without actually dieting. Processed foods contain:

Trans fat: This ingredient can greatly increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, and considering the fact that heart disease is one of the leading killers of men and women today, trans fat is one ingredient you want to keep away from. It is believed that approximately 40% of all supermarket products contain trans fat! This is because it is a cheap bulking agent perfect for padding out processed products (it is all about the profit after all...) and gives the product a long shelf life. We need to stop putting our trust in processed food manufacturers!

What's it found in?

Margarine, ice-cream, puddings and pudding mixes, pies, cakes, biscuits, pizza, potato chips, doughnuts, gravy and sauce mixes, artificial creamers, other processed foods, including many foods targeted at children, including some breakfast cereals that are promoted as health foods.
Always check the ingredients - trans fat is mostly called:
  • hydrogenated vegetable oil
  • partially hydrogenated vegetable oil
  • vegetable shortening
  • margarine
High fructose corn syrup: a processed sweetener made from corn. Why's it so bad? The corn used is more than likely genetically modified, and also, this sweetener may cause diabetes.
What's it found in?

Soups, cream cheese, sauces, salad dressings, pastries, meats, jellies, jams, candies, syrups, ice cream, processed fruits and veggies, drink mixes, dairy, crackers, cough syrup, cakes, cereals, condiments, cookies, breads, beverages, baking and cooking ingredients.

Refined sugar: Sugar is poisonous to humans and is the chief culprit in many diseases and degenerative conditions; it creates havoc with the immune system and contributes to diseases such as obesity, tooth decay, damage to the pancreas, premature aging, osteoporosis, hyperactivity in children and weakening of eyesight. It contributes to the risk of heart disease and autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, asthma, and multiple sclerosis - this only to name but a few.

Artificial Sweeteners: The artificial sweeteners used in diet drinks and other low-calorie products are really bad for you! These chemical sweeteners can cause or contribute to a huge list of neuropsychiatric disorders and chronic illnesses - depression, anxiety, migraines, mood changes, panic attacks, vertigo, memory loss, Alzheimer's, brain tumors - do you need more? They also mess with your hormonal system which can wreak havoc in many areas of your body, and even your mental state. Rather use natural sweeteners such as agave nectar, honey, stevia or xylitol.

What to look for:

•It is often called Aspartame, Acesulfame Potassium (K), Saccharin or Sucralose Equal®, NutraSweet® or Splenda®

•Avoid products that are labeled "low-calorie," "diet," "sugar-free," or "no sugar added" since they probably contain sugar substitutes

In essence, processed foods are the main culprits of weight gain and deteriorating health. When you eliminate these foods from your diet, you greatly improve your chance of losing weight, and not only that, but you will come closer to achieving peak health and feeling great!

For more information, visit our blog: We have a lot more tips about losing weight permanently, and achieving peak health without dieting, deprivation or slimming products.

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