What Is The Post-Workout Golden Window?

By Russ Howe

In your quest to learn how to build muscle more effectively you'll probably encounter people talking about the post-workout nutrition window. We are going to look at this today and help you learn the facts on this topic, dispelling some of the common myths in the process.

Like most things in life, you tend to get best results when you keep things as simple as possible. When it comes to building a better body that rule is certainly true.

If you have been using the gym for a while this is probably a phenomenon you have already heard about. Rumor has it there is a golden window after your training session where your body is able to make the absolute most of the food you provide it with. There are probably a few questions you'd like to ask about this, most notably:

* How long does this golden window last?

* What should you consume to get maximum results?

* What is the reason this actually exists?

* What's going to happen if you miss it?

We'll be discussing all of the questions above. The magic window is something which occurs after you complete an exercise session. Basically your body is trying to replace all of the nutrients it has just lost.

It's crying out for food and because of this desperation it will literally gobble up anything you provide it with. The post-workout window is as simple as that, really. The trick is to learn how to provide it with the right type of nutrition to push your results even higher.

The window itself is believed to last approximately 45 minutes after you finish a workout, meaning you have three quarters of an hour to get some food into your muscles.

It wouldn't make sense to eat some complex carbohydrates or any food type which is going to take the body 4-5 hours to break down...

Try combining some whey protein with a bowl of cereal or some fruits in your post-workout meal. Despite being a very light meal, it's packed full of the nutrients your body is calling our for after a gym session and, most importantly, we are able to break down these meals and process them well before the window closes.

It's that source of instant energy which you are looking for after a hard workout. Furthermore, your digestive system will try to use as much of the meal as it possibly can. That's right, even more than it usually would if you consumed it at another point in the day.

If you miss the window you probably won't realize it. It doesn't mean your workout was for nothing, it just means it could have been slightly better overall. People have been training for years now and still have no idea this even exists, so it's not going to be the end of the world by any means.

For those who wish to know how to build muscle or even how to lose weight the post-workout window will become their best friend. It's an integral part of a good training routine and over time you will notice huge results from this proven method.

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