It's easy but can you keep it off?
My patients may feel great but none of them keep the weight off. Just asquickly as they lost weight, my patients following easy weight loss plans,gain it!
Gaining weight, specifically re-gaining weight lost while dieting, should bethe focus of weight loss programs. Other things, like easy weight loss, aredistracting and costly for all of us. Every year thousands of obese andoverweight people do not lose weight because of easy weight lossdistractions.
Why are fast and easy diet plans so attractive? Well, what could be betterthan losing weight and looking good fast? How about lasting healthy weight loss?
Why do you think diet plans focus solely on losing weight and say very littleabout keeping it off? Because it's easy to lose weight and it's next toimpossible to prevent weight re-gain.
Diet plans take the easy road and provide dieters a quick short lived solution.
From Atkins to the Zone, weight loss diets have perfected colorful ways todisguise one simple easy weight loss principle. All diets can lead to easyweight loss by following this one easy principle.
Low carbohydrate diets, low fat diets, negative calorie diets, low energydensity diets--all apply this one principle. And this one principle leads to easyweight loss. Do you know what it is?
To experience easy weight fewer calories
.Holding other things constant, like exercise, simply eat fewer calories andyou will lose weight easily. Whether or not you keep the weight off dependson how easily you lost it.
The Easy Weight Loss Steps
Easy Weight Loss - 5 Steps to Lose Weight
1. Week One -- Cut calories by 100
2. Week Two -- Cut additional 150 calories (total=250)
3. Week Three -- Cut another 150 calories (total=400)
4. Week Four -- Final cut 100 calories (total=500)
First month weight loss total = 2-4 pounds500
calories cut = 1-2 pounds/week of weight loss
End of second month weight loss total = 6-12 pounds
The chance of keeping the weight off =5%
By ayoub oubarka
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