Weight Loss Is Just Maths

Weight loss is seen by many as a big mystery. In fact, some weight loss "experts" like the fact that it's seen as a mystery, as it allows them to come up with elaborate sales pitches for their "miracle weight loss products". Well, now is the time to put an end to their games by revealing the real truth about how you can lose weight quickly and successfully...

Effective weight loss is simply a combination of two things: maths and science. If your body burns more calories as energy than you eat, you'll lose weight. If you eat more calories than your body burns as energy, you'll gain weight. If you eat exactly the same amount of calories as your body burns in energy, your weight will stay the same. It doesn't get much simpler than that!

However, the difficulty comes in knowing exactly how many calories you should be consuming in order to achieve your weight loss goals. This problem is made even worse by the fact that it's not constant. As you lose weight or you replace fat with muscle, the critical values in the equation will change, and so will the target amount of calories that you should be consuming.

It's actually a very common problem, somebody gets in the routine of eating just the right number of calories to maintain their current weight and figure, but then suddenly something changes. Perhaps age catches up with them and their metabolism slows down, or perhaps they get promoted from their manual job (always on their feet) to an office job where they sit down on a chair and stare at a screen all day. Before they know it, the stomach flab is appearing. It's not just everyday folk who are caught out like this though. How many times have you seen a super-fit athlete who retires and then suddenly piles on the pounds? They were so used to the high calories required by their professional exercise programme, that their body couldn't handle it once the workouts stopped.

It's clear then that in order to achieve your weight loss goals, you have to be constantly checking key calorie figures for your body, like your Basal Metabolic Rate (how many calories your body uses at rest)and your Maintenance Calories (how many calories it takes to maintain your current bodyweight). How can you do these calculations, whilst still taking care of your everyday tasks?

Well, fear not, as there is such a thing as a Calorie Calculator that will do all the maths and science for you, so you can just focus on burning off the excess weight, shaping up, and looking great! All you need to do is enter key values like age, height, weight, and exercise level, and the calorie calculator will tell you your Basal Metabolic Rate, and your maintenance calories. If you enter how many pounds of fat you would like to lose each day (within reason, of course), a good calorie calculator can even tell you the daily number of calories to consume to let you achieve that goal. Once you know these figures, it's easy to take control of your weight, and maintain the slim body and figure that you wish for.

REMEMBER: There are two guaranteed ways to lose weight: One is to eat less food than your body needs, causing it to break down fat for energy, the other is to exercise more, so that your body demands even more energy. Of course, the best thing is to do them both: eat sensibly, and exercise regularly, then you'll be able to quickly gain and maintain your perfect figure.

Jason Webb is a writer of novels, music, and movie screenplays from Southampton, UK.

He is also a keen health and fitness enthusiast, and has spent over 20 years studying various weight loss and bodybuilding techniques, along with studying diets and nutrition.

His new website, Life Buddy, is the result of those studies.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_E_Webb

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