Make sure your not constipated.
1. Visit the bathroom regularly, at least 2-3 times a day. If you’re not frequenting the
bathroom on a regular basis that’s a clear sign that something isn’t right with
you’re digestive system. If your body is not breaking down foods efficiently
(metabolizing) your body will slow down to accommodate your sluggish digestive
system. This simply means you have a slow metabolism and are clinically
constipated. Where do you think all the food waste is going if you’re not visiting
the bathroom on a regular basis? I’ll tell ya, it’s compressed along the walls of
your colon and rotting away. This could lead to more serious things like colon
cancer. You could benefit from a colon cleanse or colonics. A good product to try
is Bowtrol found on my website.
Cleanse your body and remove toxins.
2. Toxin build up will suppress your immune system and slow metabolism. Some
people live such toxic lifestyles; they smoke, drink alcohol, are exposed to poor
air quality, drink polluted water, eat polluted foods and use recreational drugs. All
this over time has an effect on our bodies. Everything slows down in the body’s
response to rid all these toxins. In other words our metabolism slows down and
slow metabolism equals slow fat loss. Now, you don’t have to go out and
purchase some expensive detox kit just a simple cleanse of organic vegetable
juices taken for three days in a row can do the trick. (You may want to do a 5-7
day cleanse if you’re a heavy smoker or drinker.)
Eat like a baby.
3. Eat 5-6 small meals every day, every 3-3 ½ hours. Meals should consist of a lean
protein, starchy carb and a fibrous carb. Each group should be about the size of
a fist or a deck of playing cards. Now, some of you may say this is a lot of food
but really it’s not. Your body is capable of consuming what may seem to you as a
lot of food and using it to rev up your metabolism and support lean muscle
growth. Now, this is the cool part! This is actually where you get to create or mold
your metabolism to a large extent. Let’s take a moment to go back in time to
when you were a baby. If you’re a mom you’ll know this well. When you were a
tiny little thing your metabolism was very active and you processed food very
quickly. You wanted breast milk or formula every 2-3 hours. Are you with me so
far! If not, go ask your mother. Now, what happened over the years is we
screwed up our metabolism. As you grew older, you’re told to only have
breakfast, lunch and dinner and no snacks in-between because you’ll ruin your
insert (next meal here). Now, as you grew even older still, you’re met with the
pressures of school, work and social life. You’re always on the go and you’ve
created the tendency to skip meals, further screwing up your metabolism. Your
body has now become accustomed to your new busy eating style, having one or
two large meals rather than five to six smaller ones. Your body doesn’t have to
work as quickly or hard to break down the foods you ingest because it knows the
next meal is not coming for hours. So it could relax a little and perhaps store a
little here and there as well. Do you get my drift? Do you see all the damage
done over the years? The good news is we can change all that by going back to
how we ate when we were a baby, being sure to combine a lean protein, starchy
carb and a fibrous carb at every meal. Of course, it’s also important to be getting
lots of water at least two liters daily and you also need to consume your essential
fatty acids.
Eat as soon as you get up!
4. First meal of the day should be the largest and at least 30 minutes from waking.
Do you ever wonder why they call it breakfast? Well, if we break the word down
we get “break” and “fast” and when we wake up every morning we’re breaking a
fast. A fast is when we avoid a particular food or foods for a period of time. Now,
when we sleep we’re going into a mini fast where things kind of slow down a
little, especially our metabolism. When we awake, we need to do something to
stir our metabolism up and get it going again. Doing this will turn us into efficient
fat loss machines. We could achieve this metabolic boost by having a quality
meal in the morning comprised of a lean protein, starchy carb and a fibrous carb.
Another alternative is to exercise first thing in the morning but most people under
eat so for now let’s just stick with getting a meal first thing in the morning.
Don’t eat too late!
5. Last meal of the day should be the smallest and at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Now, this one makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? You don’t need extra calories to
go to bed just like you don’t buy gasoline before you park your car. As your body
is preparing for sleep/fast your metabolism is slowing down and there is more
chances of the food that you’ve recently ate being stored as fat.
Do not deprive us of the beautiful comments.
1. Visit the bathroom regularly, at least 2-3 times a day. If you’re not frequenting the
bathroom on a regular basis that’s a clear sign that something isn’t right with
you’re digestive system. If your body is not breaking down foods efficiently
(metabolizing) your body will slow down to accommodate your sluggish digestive
system. This simply means you have a slow metabolism and are clinically
constipated. Where do you think all the food waste is going if you’re not visiting
the bathroom on a regular basis? I’ll tell ya, it’s compressed along the walls of
your colon and rotting away. This could lead to more serious things like colon
cancer. You could benefit from a colon cleanse or colonics. A good product to try
is Bowtrol found on my website.
Cleanse your body and remove toxins.
2. Toxin build up will suppress your immune system and slow metabolism. Some
people live such toxic lifestyles; they smoke, drink alcohol, are exposed to poor
air quality, drink polluted water, eat polluted foods and use recreational drugs. All
this over time has an effect on our bodies. Everything slows down in the body’s
response to rid all these toxins. In other words our metabolism slows down and
slow metabolism equals slow fat loss. Now, you don’t have to go out and
purchase some expensive detox kit just a simple cleanse of organic vegetable
juices taken for three days in a row can do the trick. (You may want to do a 5-7
day cleanse if you’re a heavy smoker or drinker.)
Eat like a baby.
3. Eat 5-6 small meals every day, every 3-3 ½ hours. Meals should consist of a lean
protein, starchy carb and a fibrous carb. Each group should be about the size of
a fist or a deck of playing cards. Now, some of you may say this is a lot of food
but really it’s not. Your body is capable of consuming what may seem to you as a
lot of food and using it to rev up your metabolism and support lean muscle
growth. Now, this is the cool part! This is actually where you get to create or mold
your metabolism to a large extent. Let’s take a moment to go back in time to
when you were a baby. If you’re a mom you’ll know this well. When you were a
tiny little thing your metabolism was very active and you processed food very
quickly. You wanted breast milk or formula every 2-3 hours. Are you with me so
far! If not, go ask your mother. Now, what happened over the years is we
screwed up our metabolism. As you grew older, you’re told to only have
breakfast, lunch and dinner and no snacks in-between because you’ll ruin your
insert (next meal here). Now, as you grew even older still, you’re met with the
pressures of school, work and social life. You’re always on the go and you’ve
created the tendency to skip meals, further screwing up your metabolism. Your
body has now become accustomed to your new busy eating style, having one or
two large meals rather than five to six smaller ones. Your body doesn’t have to
work as quickly or hard to break down the foods you ingest because it knows the
next meal is not coming for hours. So it could relax a little and perhaps store a
little here and there as well. Do you get my drift? Do you see all the damage
done over the years? The good news is we can change all that by going back to
how we ate when we were a baby, being sure to combine a lean protein, starchy
carb and a fibrous carb at every meal. Of course, it’s also important to be getting
lots of water at least two liters daily and you also need to consume your essential
fatty acids.
Eat as soon as you get up!
4. First meal of the day should be the largest and at least 30 minutes from waking.
Do you ever wonder why they call it breakfast? Well, if we break the word down
we get “break” and “fast” and when we wake up every morning we’re breaking a
fast. A fast is when we avoid a particular food or foods for a period of time. Now,
when we sleep we’re going into a mini fast where things kind of slow down a
little, especially our metabolism. When we awake, we need to do something to
stir our metabolism up and get it going again. Doing this will turn us into efficient
fat loss machines. We could achieve this metabolic boost by having a quality
meal in the morning comprised of a lean protein, starchy carb and a fibrous carb.
Another alternative is to exercise first thing in the morning but most people under
eat so for now let’s just stick with getting a meal first thing in the morning.
Don’t eat too late!
5. Last meal of the day should be the smallest and at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Now, this one makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? You don’t need extra calories to
go to bed just like you don’t buy gasoline before you park your car. As your body
is preparing for sleep/fast your metabolism is slowing down and there is more
chances of the food that you’ve recently ate being stored as fat.
Do not deprive us of the beautiful comments.
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