Why can’t I lose weight? ( Part II )


Use the fat loss trick to boost fat loss!

6. The fat loss trick is a way of eating to get your body to use up more of its fat
storage quickly. Ok, I’ll explain. Your body is used to burning a certain amount of
calories according to your eating habits. Say you take in 2000 calories daily and
you use the fat loss trick to cut down to about 1500 calories your body is still
used to burning up 2000 calories and will burn up the stored fat to make up for
what's it's used to metabolizing. Your body has no idea that you’re using this fat
loss trick but caution, this should not be done more than 2-3 days at a time or
you'll risk losing muscle, slowing metabolism and gaining the weight back. This is
what happens to people on fad diets. It is also important to eat 5-6 small meals
daily comprised of a lean protein, starchy carbohydrates and fibrous
carbohydrates every 3 hours when you're not using the fat loss trick and only
protein and fibrous carbs when you are. So a sample fat loss trick schedule
would be Mon, Tue, Wed,-fat loss trick, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun regular. Also be sure
to drink plenty of water all metabolism and fat loss takes place when your body
has an abundance of water.

Exercise with resistance at least 3 times a week. Perform
cardiovascular exercise everyday or at least 5 times a week.

7. Now, this is a given you can’t expect to lose weight without out working out and
anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is using a flawed approach. They’re lying
to you! In order to get a fitness or health result you need to combine a synergistic
approach of a concern for muscle, good nutrition and moderate aerobics!

Use breathing exercises to boost metabolism!

8. The process of fat loss is dependant greatly on a good cardiovascular and
circulatory system. The more efficient they are the faster your weight loss will be.
In addition to using exercise to boost your cardiovascular and circulatory system
try this simple breathing exercise. Breath in (inhale) for 8-10 seconds filling up
both upper and lower lungs, now hold for 16-20 seconds then exhale and fully
empty the lungs. Do this every day for at least 2 minutes. The goal is to increase
the oxygen intake and hold times.

Don’t hate skinny people!
9. By skinny I mean, thin, slim, athletic or fit people. The people who always seem to be in

shape no matter what. The people who seem to be able to eat anything and not suffer for it.
The people who don't have a problem going into any store to buy clothes. The people who
are often admired for their physique. The people who seem to be the life of the party and it
just seems like things are easier for them. The people who are the first ones picked out of a
line up for a team. Yes, those skinny people. Are you starting to visualize them? Now ask
yourself seriously? Do you really like them? Do you see them and wish them well or do you
secretly hope they trip over an unforeseen stone, land harshly on the ground and get
knocked out cold. Perhaps the above line was humorous and made you chuckle or perhaps
there is someone who you wish that would actually happen to. Well, what are you getting at
Chris? Remember this line I'm about to write if nothing else: You will never become that
which you hate! You may need some weight loss coaching around this area. Give
me a call to discuss this further free of charge. (877-370-4658) Now to change your
mind and feelings towards skinny people, start liking them, bless them as they walk by, wish
them well, start to appreciate them for who they are, become their friend. Do not envy them
but love them. Now that which you love and embrace you can become.

Identify how you see yourself!

10. Identify the image you hold in your mind when you think of yourself. You will
never change or outperform the image you hold of yourself in your mind. If you
see yourself as fat or overweight you will constantly sabotage your efforts to
maintain the image of the fat or overweight person you hold in your mind. Make up

your mind today to change your mind. How does one change their mind? Habits and mental
conditioning are changed with repetition and belief. Create a list of all the qualities you would
like to have and be sure to leave nothing out. Now read that list to your self everyday once in
the morning and again at the end of the day or even better read it every chance you
get.....and don't just read it, put some feeling behind it. You'll notice yourself begin to change
and you will start to accept and become what you've written down on paper. Be careful not to
let doubts or negative people talk you out of your new found knowledge. Do this for the next
30 days! Don't ever forget the mind has power to make changes in your health or your life!

Identify your false beliefs!

11. Now answer this question, put some thought into it and be sincere. I can’t lose
weight because ____________ now whatever you’ve inserted in the blank is a
false belief. It’s the reason preventing you from weight loss, it’s the excuse

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