phase 1
Days 1 - 2
Take the HCG according to the bottle. Be sure to hold the HCG under the
tongue for at least 15 seconds, then swallow. Do not eat or drink anything for at
least 15 minutes, after taking HCG !
Drink 1/2 - 1 gallon of water per day
Gorge yourself, eat as much as your stomach can handle. Fatty, sugary, starchy,
yummy foods. Be in a constant state of “STUFFED” for two days. Have midnight
snacks if you can. This is important.
phase 2
Day 3 and onward
Every morning, after you urinate and have a bowel movement, weigh yourself
without clothes on. Keep a daily record of your weight.
Keep taking your HCG as the bottle directs.
Continue to drink 1/2 - 1 gallon of water every day.
Be sure to take before and after pictures, you’|| be impressed.
Follow the eating schedule that follows.
Drink as much water, herbal tea, Zevia, or coffee. Stay away ¿from juices, tea, diet
drinks, and even flavored water. Some choose to consume their fruit intake at
this time. / F
I llnnh and Dinner '
Eat one serving of the following meats: 4 ounces of lean Ibeef or palíguffalg,
skinless chicken breast, deli sliced Turkey, Chilean sd"bass\Flounder, Sole,
Halibut, Lobster or Shrimp (Try to get low sodium meats).No meats. It
should 'be grilled to muoh of the fat as possible. Spasori your meat
with a half of a lemon, white or black pepper, sea salt, garlici, basil, parsley,
thyme, marjoram, or any other herb.
One salad made of any or all of the following: Spinach, Chard, beet greens,
lettuce of any kind, tomato’s, celery, fennel, any onion, red radishes, cucumbers,
asparagus and cabbage. No other vegetables. The salad should be as large as your
hand stretched out, fingers apart, with your hand in cupping shape, as though you
were holding a bowl. These vegetables can be raw, steamed, grilled without oil or
gently boiled. Use only apple cider vinegar, pepper, a half a lemon or mustard for
Drink as much herbal tea or water as you want.
Absolutely no oils, butter, dressings of any kind.
You can have 2 helpings of any of the following fruits per day: medium apple,
grapefruit or a handful of strawberries. You can eat these anytime throughout
the day before or between meals as a snack
phase 3
Diet Duration
You should be on the program a minimum of 15 days in order to reset the
hypothalamus gland and no longer than 45 days. Take 4 weeks off from HCG,
eating a normal amount of calories except for refined sugars and starches.
When you are finished with this step you can restart the HCG for another 3-6
weeks, if needed.
Ending the Diet
When you finish the HCG, stay on the 500 calorie diet
After those 2 days, you can go back to eating normal
" ' calories with the exception of eating refined sugars or
Y x ) starches for 4 weeks.
Be aware. This is critical because this is when your body resets your metabolism
and hypothalamus for your new body weight. You are supposed to stay within 2
pounds either up or down of your last diet day. If you §ö`above the 2 pounds you
are suppose to do what is called a steak day. Eat nothing but a steak as big as you
want for dinner. The rest of the day you only drink watei=rThe day you
should be back down under the 2 pound mark. If you gornore than 2 pounds'.
under weight, eat a forth meal that day. (still, no sugars and starches)
Do’s und Dont’s
Exercise isn’t necessary for the diet to work, but going for a 30 minute daily
Walk can help a little.
No excessive exercising, you will get very hungry and fatigued.
No over the counter meds, unless absolutely necessary.
Do not skip a meal
If it’s not on this diet sheet, don’t eat, drink or chew it.
No sugars or starches of any kind.
No over the counter or prescription Medications, (consult your physician or
specialist before abstaining from any prescription medications.)
Do take medications only if needed. ie, Insulin, sugar, blood pressure med’s,
heart med’s, Tylenol, etc.
Hunger Pains
Mild hunger pains will vary from time to time from person to person and will
usually last only for the first couple days of diet. Most will have no problem at all.
The HCG promotes the mobilization of fat into body fuel which keeps your
blood sugar stable throughout the day.
lf you find yourself getting hungry at the same time every day, eat one of your
fruits about 30 minutes before the time you find yourself getting hungry each
day. This should get rid of your hunger pains.
You aren’t losing weight or you feel constipated
Do your HCG as usual throughout the day, drink 1 gallon of water throughout the
day and then eat 6 apples throughout the day. No other foods or drinks.
Remember only weigh yourself under the same circumstances as during your diet,
so if you are 2|bs. heavier at 5 in the afternoon, that’s okay. It is your morning Weight,
after you use the restroom, with no clothes that matters.
Remember only weigh yourself under the same circumstances as during your
diet, so if you are 2 lbs. heavier at 5 in the afternoon, that’s ok. lt your morning
weight, after you use the restroom, with no clothes on that matters.
Digital scale
Get a digital scale. You Will need to Weigh yourself every day. When weighing
yourself, do it at the same time every day, also it should be under the same .
circumstances each day. For example, naked, after using tile restfbom ar2äld_Í8:0Oam.
Makeup and Iotlons
It is recommended not to use lotions and makeup which has oil\-in it,
you are on the HCG diet. lf you can find makeup and lotions that Iare no `il
based use that. lf you don’t Want to go through the hassle, then donlt. 5
Makeup and lotion will not make or break your diet, it just helps.
Ladies, when you are menstruating, DO NOT STAY ON THE LOW CALORIE
DIET. Continue to take the HCG so you don’t need to reload after your period,
but eat healthy /normal. lf you eat 500 calories a day you will feel like death is
coming for you. When you period starts, stop counting days, then when your
period ends start up counting as usual.
|t’s important to note that everyone has different tolerances to everything.
On average 3 doses a day is usually sufficient to start, but some find that after 2-3
weeks they start getting hungry a little. At this time you may need to add a dose
more each day. Some people need up to 6 doses a day. Some continue with 3
doses each day for 40 days straight.
Remember listen to your body, it will tell you what you need. If you plan on
going longer than 40 days, buy more HCG you will need to increase your doses
to 6-8 times per day just to keep up with it.
Working out on HCG
It is not usually recommended to work out on the HCG diet. However, if
you must, you will want to start on a higher dosage each day, maybe 4-5
doses a day, then increase as needed. Also you will want to eat more like
1000-1200 calories each day while still holding to the foods in the diet.
The extra calories will give you something to burn each day, but adhering
to the food allowed is still important for resetting your metabolism.
Warning do not try 500 calories a day While working out, refer to the
menstruation paragraph.
Do not deprive us of the beautiful comments.
Days 1 - 2
Take the HCG according to the bottle. Be sure to hold the HCG under the
tongue for at least 15 seconds, then swallow. Do not eat or drink anything for at
least 15 minutes, after taking HCG !
Drink 1/2 - 1 gallon of water per day
Gorge yourself, eat as much as your stomach can handle. Fatty, sugary, starchy,
yummy foods. Be in a constant state of “STUFFED” for two days. Have midnight
snacks if you can. This is important.
phase 2
Day 3 and onward
Every morning, after you urinate and have a bowel movement, weigh yourself
without clothes on. Keep a daily record of your weight.
Keep taking your HCG as the bottle directs.
Continue to drink 1/2 - 1 gallon of water every day.
Be sure to take before and after pictures, you’|| be impressed.
Follow the eating schedule that follows.
Drink as much water, herbal tea, Zevia, or coffee. Stay away ¿from juices, tea, diet
drinks, and even flavored water. Some choose to consume their fruit intake at
this time. / F
I llnnh and Dinner '
Eat one serving of the following meats: 4 ounces of lean Ibeef or palíguffalg,
skinless chicken breast, deli sliced Turkey, Chilean sd"bass\Flounder, Sole,
Halibut, Lobster or Shrimp (Try to get low sodium meats).No meats. It
should 'be grilled to muoh of the fat as possible. Spasori your meat
with a half of a lemon, white or black pepper, sea salt, garlici, basil, parsley,
thyme, marjoram, or any other herb.
One salad made of any or all of the following: Spinach, Chard, beet greens,
lettuce of any kind, tomato’s, celery, fennel, any onion, red radishes, cucumbers,
asparagus and cabbage. No other vegetables. The salad should be as large as your
hand stretched out, fingers apart, with your hand in cupping shape, as though you
were holding a bowl. These vegetables can be raw, steamed, grilled without oil or
gently boiled. Use only apple cider vinegar, pepper, a half a lemon or mustard for
Drink as much herbal tea or water as you want.
Absolutely no oils, butter, dressings of any kind.
You can have 2 helpings of any of the following fruits per day: medium apple,
grapefruit or a handful of strawberries. You can eat these anytime throughout
the day before or between meals as a snack
phase 3
Diet Duration
You should be on the program a minimum of 15 days in order to reset the
hypothalamus gland and no longer than 45 days. Take 4 weeks off from HCG,
eating a normal amount of calories except for refined sugars and starches.
When you are finished with this step you can restart the HCG for another 3-6
weeks, if needed.
Ending the Diet
When you finish the HCG, stay on the 500 calorie diet
After those 2 days, you can go back to eating normal
" ' calories with the exception of eating refined sugars or
Y x ) starches for 4 weeks.
Be aware. This is critical because this is when your body resets your metabolism
and hypothalamus for your new body weight. You are supposed to stay within 2
pounds either up or down of your last diet day. If you §ö`above the 2 pounds you
are suppose to do what is called a steak day. Eat nothing but a steak as big as you
want for dinner. The rest of the day you only drink watei=rThe day you
should be back down under the 2 pound mark. If you gornore than 2 pounds'.
under weight, eat a forth meal that day. (still, no sugars and starches)
Do’s und Dont’s
Exercise isn’t necessary for the diet to work, but going for a 30 minute daily
Walk can help a little.
No excessive exercising, you will get very hungry and fatigued.
No over the counter meds, unless absolutely necessary.
Do not skip a meal
If it’s not on this diet sheet, don’t eat, drink or chew it.
No sugars or starches of any kind.
No over the counter or prescription Medications, (consult your physician or
specialist before abstaining from any prescription medications.)
Do take medications only if needed. ie, Insulin, sugar, blood pressure med’s,
heart med’s, Tylenol, etc.
Hunger Pains
Mild hunger pains will vary from time to time from person to person and will
usually last only for the first couple days of diet. Most will have no problem at all.
The HCG promotes the mobilization of fat into body fuel which keeps your
blood sugar stable throughout the day.
lf you find yourself getting hungry at the same time every day, eat one of your
fruits about 30 minutes before the time you find yourself getting hungry each
day. This should get rid of your hunger pains.
You aren’t losing weight or you feel constipated
Do your HCG as usual throughout the day, drink 1 gallon of water throughout the
day and then eat 6 apples throughout the day. No other foods or drinks.
Remember only weigh yourself under the same circumstances as during your diet,
so if you are 2|bs. heavier at 5 in the afternoon, that’s okay. It is your morning Weight,
after you use the restroom, with no clothes that matters.
Remember only weigh yourself under the same circumstances as during your
diet, so if you are 2 lbs. heavier at 5 in the afternoon, that’s ok. lt your morning
weight, after you use the restroom, with no clothes on that matters.
Digital scale
Get a digital scale. You Will need to Weigh yourself every day. When weighing
yourself, do it at the same time every day, also it should be under the same .
circumstances each day. For example, naked, after using tile restfbom ar2äld_Í8:0Oam.
Makeup and Iotlons
It is recommended not to use lotions and makeup which has oil\-in it,
you are on the HCG diet. lf you can find makeup and lotions that Iare no `il
based use that. lf you don’t Want to go through the hassle, then donlt. 5
Makeup and lotion will not make or break your diet, it just helps.
Ladies, when you are menstruating, DO NOT STAY ON THE LOW CALORIE
DIET. Continue to take the HCG so you don’t need to reload after your period,
but eat healthy /normal. lf you eat 500 calories a day you will feel like death is
coming for you. When you period starts, stop counting days, then when your
period ends start up counting as usual.
|t’s important to note that everyone has different tolerances to everything.
On average 3 doses a day is usually sufficient to start, but some find that after 2-3
weeks they start getting hungry a little. At this time you may need to add a dose
more each day. Some people need up to 6 doses a day. Some continue with 3
doses each day for 40 days straight.
Remember listen to your body, it will tell you what you need. If you plan on
going longer than 40 days, buy more HCG you will need to increase your doses
to 6-8 times per day just to keep up with it.
Working out on HCG
It is not usually recommended to work out on the HCG diet. However, if
you must, you will want to start on a higher dosage each day, maybe 4-5
doses a day, then increase as needed. Also you will want to eat more like
1000-1200 calories each day while still holding to the foods in the diet.
The extra calories will give you something to burn each day, but adhering
to the food allowed is still important for resetting your metabolism.
Warning do not try 500 calories a day While working out, refer to the
menstruation paragraph.
Do not deprive us of the beautiful comments.
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